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How to Brainstorm Your Research?

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Presentation on theme: "How to Brainstorm Your Research?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Brainstorm Your Research?
Introduction to Research Analysis

2 Why is Brainstorming Important?
Allows you to get through a major case of writer’s block when tackling a huge project like a thesis. Have you ever just sat there on your computer just looking at your topic idea for ex. Accounting and thought for long periods of time with no ideas flowing to your mind? When you are feeling overwhelmed with your research use this process to regain your senses. Using a brainstorming session whether it minutes allows you to jot down or create using software the bigger picture. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

3 It’s Simple…Two Steps! Step 1: Draw a circle in the middle with your subject written in it. You can then surround it with the categories of information that you’ve uncovered in your research process. Step 2: By developing at least one sub-category for each category your thoughts can now flow and you can grow your brainstorming (mind map or cluster) as large with detail depending on your topic of choice.

4 Submitting your Brainstorm (Mind Map):
You can handwrite your brainstorm. Inspiration 9 Software (Trial). Microsoft Office Suite Software. Other software that provides brainstorming services. Please make sure all documents are saved to .docx, .doc or a picture software for your instructor to view, edit and provide feedback. Before you submit your assignment and move on, make sure your document is “readable” and “viewable.”

5 Example 1:Effects of OTC ads for medicine

6 Example 2: Benefits of Analyzing Co-Workers Leadership Styles

7 Example 3:Management and Leadership Differences at Work

8 What’s Next? Now that you have done your brainstorming session. Take 10 mins and jot down what you would like your final piece (research paper) to look like. To do part 2 of your Mind Map assignment you will need to create an outline. Your Mind Map and your outline are due in the same week. DO NOT forget that your beginning research has two parts (Mind Map and Outline). Next, you will be able to view an example of an outline. For more details or concerns please ask your instructor.

9 Example 1: Outline Research Project Title: Introduction I. Main Idea
A. Supporting Idea B. Supporting Idea C. Supporting Idea II. Main Idea

10 Example 1: Outline III. Main Idea A. Supporting Idea B. Supporting Idea C. Supporting Idea IV. Conclusion *Abstract is optional for your final paper

11 Conclusion Remember to jot your thoughts down and brainstorm.
If you find out that you are having writers block, do some research and find out what you really want to write about. Maybe you need to refine your research. Use the Brenau University Resources and Library. If you need help make an appointment with the Library Link: If you decide to change your topic or need approval for your final research topic please speak to your instructor.

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