Observations and Inferences

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Presentation on theme: "Observations and Inferences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observations and Inferences

2 Introduction to Earth Science
Earth Science is the study of Earth and its position in the universe. This science can be broken down into four disciplines of study: ASTRONOMY: METEOROLOGY: OCEANOGRAPHY: GEOLOGY:

3 Observation vs. Inference
An observation is --Scientists will use instruments to assist in the observations they make (Ex: telescope, spectroscope, barometer). An inference is --Often inferences may be incorrect and further observations may be necessary to make inferences more accurate.

4 Types of Observations Quantitative observations are Qualitative observations are Quantitative observations = Qualitative observations =

5 Observation vs. Inference

6 Classification Classification is PLANETS JOVIAN PLANETS
TERRESTRIAL PLANETS Planets with large diameters and low densities. Planets with small diameters and large densities.

7 Standard Unit of Measurement
Measurement is Measurement Tool Standard Unit of Measurement Length: The distance between two points Meter stick, metric ruler, Trundle wheel meter, kilometer, centimeter, light-year Mass: The amount of matter in an object Triple-beam balance grams, kilograms Volume: The amount of space an object occupies. Graduated cylinder cm3 (cubic centimeters)

8 Percent Deviation Errors exist in our understanding of the Earth due to a number of factors: 1 2. Percent deviation is Percent deviation = difference from accepted value X 100 accepted value

9 Percent Deviation Marissa used a triple-beam balance improperly to obtain the mass of a rock sample. Marissa determined the mass to be 45.6g when the mass of the rock sample should have been 48g. What is the percent deviation? Percent deviation = difference from accepted value X 100 accepted value Percent deviation = Percent deviation = Percent deviation =

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