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Edgewood ISD 9.7.16

2 Has your staff asked for your approval?
Staff members should complete a paper copy of what they need so they can have your tentative approval – in advance. This information will be used to create their requisition for the Purchasing system. Once they have your signature on this form, they can go into the Purchasing system and add a request for a PO.

3 Staff members - originators
Log into TXEIS Select Purchasing from the menu Select Maintenance Select Create/Modify Requisition

4 When your staff enters the Purchasing system:
They don’t see any balances. They don’t see any codes. They fill out the top section and the middle section and submit it and it comes to the Business Manager for first approval and coding.

5 Your staff needs to complete these steps in the top section:
Add/Clear All Tab on left They see themselves as the requestor, Sharon Jones as Campus/Dept. Shipping Addr – Should be a generated field automatically that says Edgewood ISD Must fill out Sort Key/Vendor Name Start to spell or use ellipsis box to search from a list then pick the vendor when it populates Reason for Purchase Request (please be very specific)

6 If there is a freight/shipping charge, they need to put it in this section.

7 Staff needs to complete the middle section:
Notes field – (OPTIONAL – but may provide needed explanation) Catalog Nbr Description Unit of Issue (Type EA for “each”) Unit price Quantity Discount – Use this field if the Vendor allows you a discount on that particular item you are ordering. Put in as percentage OR an amount, not both. Hopefully, the quoted price that has been entered reflects any discounts already. Long Description (have to keep scrolling to right) (OPTIONAL) “+Add” button at bottom right if you need multiple lines

8 When they have all items listed, click refresh totals
Next, they are ready to submit to Business Manager

9 They need to print out a copy for their records
They need to print out a copy for their records. This is only a requisition at this point. It is not a PO. They may NOT place their order from this requisition, as this is NOT the PO number.

10 Purchase Requests go to Business Office next
On the approval pathway, after your staff completes their requisition and hits “Submit”, it comes to the Business Office for coding and first approval. As soon as it is coded by the Business Office, it comes back to you for your approval/denial. Last on the pathway, is the Superintendent. If you choose to approve the requisition, it sends it on to him for approval/denial. If approved, it then becomes a PO.

11 Second Approvers – Principals, AD’s, and Department Directors
Log into TXEIS Select Purchasing from the menu Select Maintenance Select Approve Requisition

12 Staff request should pop onto your screen for approval/denial
Look it over for accuracy Make a decision about approving it Return button – means it is going back denied Skip button – means its in a holding pattern until you return/approve Approve button – going on to Superintendent

13 Multiple staff requests
If you have multiple requests from several staff members pending approvals, as you return/skip/approve - another one pops up. They continue to pop up until all are dealt with.

14 Final Approval Superintendent has the final approval in the path.
If the request is approved, it turns into a PO and a yellow paper copy will be stamped “Ready to Order” and placed in your mail box to distribute to your employee. It is the employee’s responsibility to order it, check the items during receiving, and return PO (yellow copy) in to the Business Office with a signature/date that it is received. Attach any quotes, original approvals, to the PO (yellow copy) before it is sent back to Business Office. Attach Packing Slip, if it is in the box, to the PO (yellow copy) before it is sent back to Business Office. Attach Invoice, if it is in the box, to the PO (yellow copy) before it is sent back to Business Office.

15 This is not for travel approval
Remember, the purchase request system does not have anything to do with travel requests. For travel, employees fill out an: Employee Travel Authorization Request and Online request for transportation Please find Request in the EISD Procedures Manual and online on our website.

16 This is not for Student Activity approval
If you are trying to make a student activity purchase, using the campus activity account (Fund 865) and you want to use the credit card or Wal-Mart card: Do not use this Purchasing system Submit your “Edgewood ISD Request for Purchase” to Business Office after you have signed, giving your approval to spend student activity funds

17 This is not for Fund Raising approval
If your teacher or staff member is wanting permission for a fund raiser, or its subsequent order, you do not use this system. Use an Edgewood ISD Request for Purchase and track it manually. Don’t forget that Mr. Baker will also need to provide approval before the Fund Raiser can be started, or any ordering can be done for a Fund Raiser.

18 This is not for Amazon Purchasing approval
If your teacher or staff member is wanting permission to use Amazon, we ask you to do the following: Have your teacher fill out the paper Purchase Requisition, asking for the items that they find located on Have them attach a printout of each screen showing the item(s) and vendor from which they desire to order. You approve it, sign it and date it, and send it and attachments to the Business Office. The Business Office places this order for you and will assign a Purchase Order number.

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