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The Cleansing Compassion of Jesus

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1 The Cleansing Compassion of Jesus
Matthew 8:1-4

2 Behold, a leper

3 Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him (Mark 1:41)
Behold, a leper Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him (Mark 1:41)

4 Leprosy, and the book of Leviticus

5 Leprosy, and the book of Leviticus
Levicus 19:2 "You shall be Holy, for I am Holy" Separating the clean from the unclean

6 Leprosy, and the book of Leviticus
Levicus 19:2 "You shall be Holy, for I am Holy" Separating the clean from the unclean Point: God can only be approached in cleanness, through sacrifice.

7 Leprosy, and the book of Leviticus
Levicus 19:2 "You shall be Holy, for I am Holy" Separating the clean from the unclean Point: God can only be approached in cleanness, through sacrifice. ch13-14: Diagnosing and managing Leprosy Leprosy : a fitting description of spiritual uncleanness.

8 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless (9:36)

9 There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven ... by which we must be saved (Act 4:12)

10 (2) he came to Him and knelt before Him
Behold! (2) he came to Him and knelt before Him

11 (2) he came to Him and knelt before Him
Behold! (2) he came to Him and knelt before Him Faith is: fully trusting in Jesus authority to forgive sin and His power to change us. "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved", Rom 10:9

12 No fear. Faith in Jesus saves us

13 How to be saved from Spiritual Leprosy
“I will. Be clean!”

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