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AsseSSment IQAC, UIU.

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1 AsseSSment IQAC, UIU

2 My role Share things that I know of Am not an expert on education
Act as a facilitator Share things that I know of Am not an expert on education Am open to learn new things or learn new ways of doing things for the better What I am facilitating here? For building an awareness, providing a framework and food for thoughts, demonstrating ICT for building effective assessment strategy for our own course There are many many more things that I do not know about .. So I am not an expert and open to know new things from you, so please feel free to share with IQAC IQAC, UIU

3 Workshop learning outcome
After the end of this workshop the participants will be able to Define assessment Relate the learning outcomes with assessment Relate the Bloom’s cognitive levels with assessment List types of assessment Explain the purposes of assessment Explain attributes of assessment Define TOS Prepare TOS for individual’s course List the characteristics of MCQ Make MCQs ensuring higher order learning Design rubrics for assessment IQAC, UIU

4 Introduction to assessment

5 What is assessment? The process of gathering and judging evidence in order to decide whether a person has achieved an outcome Gathering evidence Activities: Quiz, CTs, Exams, Assignments etc., Performance: Presentation, Viva, Debate, etc. Judging evidence: Scoring the activities and performance Assessment is the art and science of knowing what students know It provides “evidence” of students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes “Evidence” supports instructors’ inferences of what students know and can do It guides and informs instruction IQAC, UIU

6 A paradox It’s a paradox in our educational system that a student can make all ‘A’s and still not understand a principle, concept, or idea. Lack of alignment between outcomes and assessment techniques University should emphasize higher order learning, i.e., creation, characterization and naturalization “Education is that which remains after we’ve forgotten everything we learned.” B. F. Skinner What are the six levels of learning? If the knowledge is in the level of remembering, what can we expect? It will be lost with the passage of time. We should emphasize higher order leaning. How much should we do it? It depends on what is our vision with our graduates and the quality of raw students that we get. If we can fulfill the HOL, the saying of B. F. Skinner will be true … Example driving … if it is in the level of naturalization, it always stays with us. IQAC, UIU

7 Teaching-learning-Assessment flow
The teachers teaches through Instruction methods The students learns through activities: passive learning and active learning The teachers evaluates through activities Design Program Outcome Design Course Outcome Design Lesson Outcome Deliver Lessons And Activities Assess Outcome Alignment Alignment Alignment Alignment IQAC, UIU

8 Teaching-learning-assessment flow
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Assessments IQAC, UIU

9 Getting the right input students who are capable and equally motivated to achieve the learning outcomes for the program is always important IQAC, UIU

10 Learning: Types 1. Cognitive 2. Affective 3. Psychomotor Remember
Receiving Awareness, willingness to hear. Imitation Observing and patterning behavior Understand Responding Active participation Manipulation to perform certain actions by following instructions and practicing Apply Valuing The worth or value a person attaches. Precision Refining, becoming more exact Analyze Organization Organizes values into priorities Articulation Coordinating a series of actions, achieving harmony and internal consistency Evaluate Characterization Internalizing values Naturalization Having high level performance become natural, without needing to think much about it. Create IQAC, UIU

11 Domains/Levels of Assessment
Cognitive is for mental/intellectual skills (Knowledge) Affective is for growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude) Psychomotor is for manual or physical skills (Skills). IQAC, UIU

12 Levels of Assessment (Cognitive)
1.1: Recall or Remember (Knowledge) 1.2: Understand (Comprehension) 1.3: Apply (Application) 1.4: Analyze (Analysis) 1.5: Evaluate (Evaluation or Judgment) 1.6: Create (Synthesis) IQAC, UIU


14 Questions Adopting Bloom’s: example
List four major learning theories. Explain how constructivists evaluate new information with old knowledge. What is the use of knowing learning theories? What are the differences between behaviourism and constructivism? Which learning theory best applies for psychomotor learning? Propose a research topic with specific objectives on the use of learning theories. IQAC, UIU

15 Learning outcome format
Do – What – (how) format Action verb needs to be specific and measurable Bad example – the students will be able to understand the bloom’s taxonomy Good example – the students will be able to explain the bloom’s taxonomy in cognitive, psycho-motor and affective domain The action verb dictates where we want to take students – higher order or lower order learning IQAC, UIU

16 Purpose of Assessment Testing student’s mastery on the course content
Judging mastery of essential skills and knowledge Measuring improvement over time Way of ranking the students Motivating students for further study Giving recognition and inspiration to the students as they deserve Diagnosing student’s difficulties (Rubric) Evaluating teaching contents and strategies Evaluating the effectiveness of the course IQAC, UIU

17 Assessment category Two Broad Categories
Formative Assessment – Short term assessment such as classroom assessment techniques (CAT) Summative Assessment – Long term assessment such as comprehensive final exams IQAC, UIU

18 Assessment methods (1) Selected Response (2) Extended Written Response
(3) Performance Assessments (4) Personal Communication IQAC, UIU

19 Assessment methods (1) Selected Response
Students select the correct/best response from a list provided Multiple choice, true/false, matching, short answer, fill-in questions IQAC, UIU

20 Assessment methods (2) Extended Written Response
Students construct a written answer in response to a question or task Compare … Analyze… Interpret…. Solve a problem and explain work… Describe in detail…ESSAYS IQAC, UIU

21 Assessment methods (3) Performance Assessments
Assessment is based on observing a performance/product and making a judgment Performances: *playing an instrument, *carrying out steps in an experiment *speaking in a foreign language *working productively in a group Products: *term paper *lab report *work of art IQAC, UIU

22 Assessment methods (4) Personal Communication
Determine what a student has learned through personal interaction with them *Asking questions during instruction *Interviewing students in conferences *Giving examinations orally IQAC, UIU

23 Which is the best method?
(1) Selected Response (2) Extended Written Response (3) Performance Assessments (4) Personal Communication IQAC, UIU

24 Quality attributes of assessments

25 Quality attributes of assessments
Validity – does it measure what it is supposed to measure? Reliability – does it produce consistent results? Practicability – is it practical in terms of time and resources? Difficulty – are the questions reasonable and fair? Discrimination – is the method discriminate good performers and poor performers Depth of knowledge – does it test deep thinking? Newble D, Cannon R. A Handbook for Medical Teachers. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1994: Newble D, Cannon R. A Handbook for Medical Teachers, 1994 IQAC, UIU

26 Levels of Assessment (Cognitive)

27 Assessment Should also Satisfy Learning Styles of Students!!
Auditory Visual Kinesthetic Three primary styles are: IQAC, UIU



30 TOS Rubric? IQAC, UIU

31 Table of specifications

32 Table of IQAC, UIU

33 Sample of TOS IQAC, UIU

34 Analysis of questions with Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom’s levels of Cognition Question no Marks per question 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 7 15 9 14 8 Total marks 80 31 25 Total % in each level 11.3% 38.8% 31.3% 7.5% 2.5% 8.8% % Marks in levels (1&2: 3&4: 4&5) 50% 39% 11% Ratios in levels (1&2: 3&4: 4&5) This grid was used for the analysis of questions according to Bloom’s Taxonomy levels. Horizontally the levels of Bloom’s were included Vertically the marks allocated to each question is shown The marks were linked proportionally to one or more of the six levels of Bloom’s Tax The marks from each level were added and the % distribution of the marks through the levels of Bloom’s calculated So far this method has been used by many researchers A further step was taken in this study to simplify the results and to make easy comparison possible between papers Two levels of Bloom’s were combined and a ratio was calculated. The use of these ratios represents a new approach to the analysis of the depth of cognitive knowledge This ration indicates that more or less 40% of the of the questions were basic factual knowledge and understanding 50% questions required from the students higher order thinking - application & analysis and 10% requires evaluation and judgment IQAC, UIU

35 Tea beak IQAC, UIU




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