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Hitler and Nazi Germany

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1 Hitler and Nazi Germany
Handout Notes

2 Bell Ringer List everything you can think of regarding Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. Lists, bullet points, phrases, pictures, anything you can think of!

3 Germany After WWI New gov’t – Weimar Republic – Democratic
Weak – many groups fight for power ToV cripples Germany War guilt, reparations, lost territory, hyperinflation Great Depression adds problems

4 Adolf Hitler Age 18 – Rejected from art school in Vienna
Anti-Semitic – hatred of Jews Fought in WWI Became leader of Nazi Party “Brown Shirts” - combat squads (Storm Troopers)

5 Road to Power 1923 – Beer Hall Putsch
Coup failed, Hitler jailed Mein Kampf (My Struggle) – Hitler’s ideas Master race, anti-Semitism, nationalism Demands Lebensraum (living space) Germany needed a strong leader (Fuhrer) Popularity increases, Nazi gain power Hitler elected chancellor

6 Hitler’s Germany Followed Mussolini’s model in Italy
Recalled past German greatness Secret police – SS, Gestapo Outlawed other political parties Gov’t work programs –roads, houses, forests Rearmed German military Women’s role limited

7 Nazi Culture “Strength through Joy” – preparation for military
Racism in speeches, radio, newspapers Purify German culture No jazz (African roots), modern art (Jewish influence) Book burnings (All Quiet on the Western Front) Christianity = weak All churches  Nazi Church = racism

8 Campaign Against the Jews
1935 – Nuremberg Laws Jews couldn’t marry non-Jews Couldn’t attend/teach at German Schools No government jobs Couldn’t practice law/medicine No publishing books Many Jews flee Germany Kristallnacht – Night of Broken Glass Nazi mobs destroy/loot Jewish businesses/homes Begin using concentration camps for Jews



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