ESSAY WRITING SKILLS How to improve them.

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Presentation on theme: "ESSAY WRITING SKILLS How to improve them."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESSAY WRITING SKILLS How to improve them

2 What is academic writing? What’s expected?
Who is the audience? What format is required – essay or report or reflection on experience? Academic styles of writing– writing in a logical and `objective’ way vs writing from personal experience Academic conventions – referencing and plagiarism

3 Stages in assignment writing
Preparation and planning Drafting Re-drafting and polishing Editing and proofreading Reflecting on feedback

4 What makes a good essay? Good structure: clear introduction, well crafted middle, clear and appropriate conclusion Clear argument: progression through ideas with clear signposting Well supported by relevant evidence

5 What makes a good essay? Well written: grammatical; correct spelling and punctuation; good sentence structure, paragraphing and use of linking words and phrases Fully referenced using Harvard system

6 Activity 1 Writing a draft essay from a plan
In pairs: Using the mind map as an aid, write an introductory paragraph, a 2 or 3 paragraph main body, and a concluding paragraph.

7 Adapted from Open University Student Toolkit on essay planning
ADVANTAGES: PERSONAL Life experience Transferable skills Financial issues Motivation INTRODUCTION Aims of essay Definition of mature students Context: wider factors MATURE STUDENTS – DO THE ADVANTAGES OUTWEIGH THE DISADVANTAGES? DISADVANTAGES Past experience Family problems Ageism Financial issues Lack of support ADVANTAGES: WIDER CONTEXT Lifelong learning Growing nos of mature students Diversity CONCLUSIONS Summing up the arguments on both sides Adapted from Open University Student Toolkit on essay planning

8 Assessing your work against an example essay.
Read essay and comment critically on the structure and organisation. In pairs, identify strengths and weaknesses. Is there a clear introduction to guide the reader? Are key concepts clearly communicated? Does the writing progress/have a sense of direction? Is there a clear and appropriate conclusion?

9 DOS & DONTS DOS Prepare well in advance
Write a first draft, leave and come back to it later Keep your focus on the question Edit carefully for sense, spelling, grammar and punctuation DONTS Write all you know about a topic Leave till the last minute

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