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Poster Presentation Skills

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Presentation on theme: "Poster Presentation Skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 Poster Presentation Skills
English literature and creative writing

2 What is a poster? Why should I do one?
Visual representation of argument A summary of the main thesis and key points of your dissertation A step-by-step guide A stepping stone to completing conclusion Enables clarification of argument Allows a "rehearsal" of dissertation Feedback before final hand-in Allows you to iron out any issues within your argument and the flow of your dissertation It is not your topic that will be marked but the way in which you present it

3 Task: Posters from last year
In pairs, look at these three posters and assess their strengths and weaknesses. Think about: The amount of material on the poster - is it easy to process? Guiding the viewer through the dissertation – is it easy to follow? Is it inviting? If you saw it from afar, would you want a closer look? Is the manner of presentation appropriate to the dissertation topic?

4 What makes a good poster?
Clear and easy to read Material chosen carefully, prioritising what needs to be in the poster and what can be left out Progression from one point to another is signposted Progression is logical and guides viewer Easily read within a few minutes Clear message, not needing verbal explanation Correct referencing, grammar and spelling Inviting to the viewer Manner of presentation appropriate to the nature of the dissertation

5 How do I make a good one? Be selective with material - one box per chapter? BUT make sure that your central thesis/message is still obvious Follow a logical structure which guides the reader – use arrows, numbers etc. Define key terms Use pictures if they are appropriate to your dissertation – but in all cases, INVITE the viewer to look Get friends and family to assess your poster – can they follow your argument?

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