Boral Operations Boral Cement Boral Quarries Boral Concrete

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Presentation on theme: "Boral Operations Boral Cement Boral Quarries Boral Concrete"— Presentation transcript:

0 Learn & Work Initiative
Boral Cement Bernadette Tiller and Mick Davis

1 Boral Operations Boral Cement Boral Quarries Boral Concrete
Boral Asphalt Boral Logistics Boral Property Boral Recycling Bricks Roofing Stone Boral timber USG Boral Plasterboard DeMartin and Gasperini ~370 manufacturing sites across Australia, Asia, America and Middle East 94 quarries across Australia ~3,000 heavy transport vehicles travelling over 100 mil Kms each year Tendering for over $25 of the $41bn road works planned over next 5yrs Invested in local communities

2 What actually happens at work…..
Boral's health and safety is built on a solid foundation of its Health and Safety Policy and Standard Operating Procedures. Boral promotes a culture where harm to our people through work is unacceptable. Boral is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for all people involved in our business. All of Boral's people have a responsibility for safety.

3 Career Pathways and Development Programs
Leadership development Pathway Level 1: Corporate Development Programs External Programs. Corporate Management Executive Mgmt EGM Developing Capability Level 2: Corporate development programs Individual external programs (business school) . Level 3: Working Together & Coaching Program) CM&C OD programs Level 4, 5, 6: Leadership Development Program (LDPP) Frontline Supervisors Level 7, 8, 9: Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) Qualified Trades and Professionals All Leadership Levels: Skilled 4 Action Leadership Coaching Foundational Skills – Entry Level (Apprenticeships and Graduates) All - Boral Cert. 4 OHS Cert. 4 Frontline Leadership Safestart

4 Safety performance Working towards world class safety performance
Substantially improved RIFR in FY2016; reduced by 27% year-on-year to 8.8 Continuing to reduce injuries: 1H FY2017 RIFR1 down to 8.4 from 8.6 LTIFR increased to 1.5 from 1.2 MTIFR decreased to 6.9 from 7.4 Fatality free since Dec-2013 – the longest fatality-free period for more than 15 years Continued engagement throughout Boral around our global safety goal Recordable Injury Frequency Rate, which comprises Medical Treatment Injury Frequency Rate (MTIFR) and Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) Includes employees and contractors in 100%-owned businesses and 50%-owned joint venture operations

5 Working with us We are always on the search for talented and inspirational young people who want to join a company and build something great – for our community and our families. Our website offers plenty of opportunities for: Electricians Welders; Diesel and Industrial Mechanics: Chemical Engineers; Civil Engineers; Structural Engineers; Boilermakers; and Process Manufacturers If you are interested in joining a team where Zero Harm Today is a common belief, then please contact our Recruitment team member, Nav Ellahi, at Nav Ellahi, Recruitment Business Partner (NSW/ACT) / (02)

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