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Welcome to Year 3!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3!

2 This afternoon we will cover:
Start of the day PE Library/reading books Homework/how you can help at home Topics Questions/how to contact us

3 Start of the Day Children can arrive at school any time between 8:40 and 9am. Now we are in KS2 we encourage them to come in independently and to start their early morning work. This may be correcting mistakes from the previous day’s work, trying out a challenge or reading quietly. The register starts at 9am and closes at 9.05am. Anyone arriving after 9.00 is marked as late in the register and after 9.10, the office must be informed as they will have been marked as absent.

4 P.E. Swimming: Children need to bring:
a one piece swimming costume or swimming trunks (not long shorts) swimming hat (this is a rule from Abbey pool) Towel (no shampoo or shower gel) We will be swimming after Easter this year. Kit: Children will need: - A change of t-shirt - A change of trousers or shorts - A change of shoes for outdoor P.E Long hair must be tied back, so come prepared with a hair band in kits. Any jewellery must be removed, other than stud earrings.

5 P.E. Turquoise Class: Topaz Class:
Mrs Cowdrith will take Indoor P.E. on a Wednesday and Outdoor P.E. on a Tuesday. Topaz Class: Miss Bell will take Indoor P.E. on a Wednesday and Outdoor P.E. on a Thursday. Indoor P.E. consists of dance and gymnastics. Outdoor P.E. consists of games, outdoor and adventurous activities and athletics.

6 Library/reading books
Year 3 will be visiting the school library on Fridays. Each child can take out a library book providing they have brought back their previous one. Please encourage your child to remember their book on a Friday! The children will also take home banded books from the classroom which we encourage you to share and discuss with them.

7 Homework Long term homework is given out at the start of each half term. It will be linked to the topic, so the children are encouraged to do some extra research at home. The task is often project based, and requires time and effort. We will be giving this out tomorrow. Maths and English homework will be given out if and when it is deemed necessary: please see the school’s latest homework policy on the website for more details.

8 How to help at home English:
Please read regulary at home, discussing texts together. Maths: Encourage maths discussions in daily life such as paying and giving change, measuring, telling the time etc…

9 Anything else? PPA Turquoise Class – Monday afternoon with Mrs Nasiri.
Topaz Class– Monday afternoon and Wednesday morning with Ms Simpson.

10 Topics Roald Dahl Volcanoes Ancient civilizations Egyptians
Where the Wild Things are Romans

11 Please stay in touch!
The office will pass on any s or calls etc…

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