Writing a Position Paper for a Debate

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2 Writing a Position Paper for a Debate
A. Whether or not it is Necessary? (Necessity) B. Whether or not it is Beneficial? (Beneficiality) C. Whether or not it is practical? (Practicability)

3 Writing a Position Paper for a Debate
Write up on Necessity (4-5 mins) – This is about creating the needs to and not to adopt the program/plan/idea/concept - It answers the question a. What is the current status of the world; the country? b. Whys is there a need or no need to adopt the concept? c. Cite the history, evolution, cultural background d. Create the sense or urgency on the matter

4 Writing a Position Paper for a Debate
2. Write up on Beneficiality (4-5 mins) – This covers the advantages and disadvantages of adopting or not the concept - provide case study, lived experiences, actual researches, results and factual cause and effects of adopting the concept - the speaker must built on the argument of reasons of benefits or the opposite - Common questions: a. Will it be beneficial to some or to majority? b. will it only built destruction to humanity or goodness? c. Is there an actual case that you can cite that were benefited or harmed of the concepts? d. enumerate the grounds (physical, psychological, social, moral, spiritual)?

5 Writing a Position Paper for a Debate
3. Write up on Practicability (4-5 mins) – This is about taking the logical sense of adopting or not adopting the concept - Will it be cost effective? Will it be easy to implement? - Will there be manpower or expert to handle it? - Mention the logistics of implementation. - Will it make our life easier or comfortable? - Is it adaptable? - do we have materials? Resources? Money? Manpower, experts?

6 What is an Oregon oxford debate?
Cross-Examination/Oregon-Oxford/Forensic Debate traditional debate format used in elementary, governors debate, house debate rules, parliamentary debate rules, high school debate, youtube debate, presidential debate, colleges and all over the country.

7 There are 2 sides in this format : the Affirmative and the Negative.
The Affirmative proves the validity of the issue or topic called the Proposition while the Negative disproves it. Each team has two speakers and one scribe. A Debate Moderator enforces the rules to ensure the debate’s smooth conduct.

8 Format of Debate - Oxford-Oregon Type
Three Speakers from each side 1. First Affirmative - Constructive Speech 1. First Negative - Interpellation of the first affirmative Speaker 2. First Negative - Constructive Speech 2. First Affirmative - Interpellation of the first negative speaker 3. Second Affirmative - Constructive Speech 3. Second Negative - Interpellation of the second affirmative 4. Second Negative - Constructive 4. Second Affirmative - Interpellation of the second negative 5. Third Affirmative - Constructive Speech 5. Third Negative - Interpellation of the third affirmative 6. Third Negative - Constructive Speech 6. Third Affirmative - Interpellation of the third negative 7. Rebuttal of the Team Captain of the Negative Side 7. Rebuttal of the Team Captain of the Affirmative Side

9 Duration Constructive Speech: Minimum of five (4) and maximum of seven (5) minutes Interpellation: Five (5) minutes Rebuttal Speech: Three (3) minutes Issues for Debate A. Whether or not it is Necessary? (Necessity) B. Whether or not it is Beneficial? (Beneficiality) C. Whether or not it is practical? (Practicability)

10 Guides for Constructive Speech
Speech types of Constructive Speech may be: 1. Reading Method 2. Memory Method 3. Extemporaneous 4. Mix method of memory and conversational or dramatic Poise, gestures, audience contact and voice projection are highly recommended.

11 Rules on Interpellation
1. Questions should primarily focused on arguments developed in the speech of your opponent. However, matters relevant and material to the proposition are admissible. 2. Questioner and opponent should treat each other with courtesy. 3. Both speakers stand and face the audience during the question or Interpellation period. 4. Once the questioning has begun, neither the questioner nor his opponent may consult a colleague. Consultation should be done before but as quietly as possible. 5. Questioners should ask brief and easily understandable question. Answers should equally be brief. Categorical questions answerable by yes or no is allowed, however, opponent if he choose, may qualify his answer why yes or why no. 6. Questioner may not cut off a reasonable and qualifying answer, but he may cut off a vervous response with a statement such as a “thank you” “that is enough information” or “your point is quite clear” or “I’m satisfied.” 7. A questioner should not comment on the response of his opponent. 8. Your opponent may refuse to answer ambiguous, irrelevant or loaded questions by asking the questioner to rephrase or reform his question.

12 Rules on Rebuttal Speech
A. Rebuttal speaker should point out clearly the fallacies committed by his opponent stating clearly what particularly statement or argument constitute said fallacy. B. If not familiar with the fallacies of logic, the debater may counter arguments directly by stating what arguments or statement is incorrect or false.

13 Role of the Moderator The moderator of the debate has the following duties: 1. To reveal the issue involve the debate; 2. To rule on points of clarification about the issues or questions and answers made during the Interpellation; and 3. To see to it that the debate is orderly and follows the rules of parliamentary procedures. Role of the Timer 1. To time the speakers and debaters accurately; 2. To give the speakers a one-minute warning with the ringing of the bell once before his/her time is up. 3. To prevent the debaters from exceeding the time allotted to them by ringing the bell twice.

14 application

15 Based on the following topics, construct 500 words minimum for you’re your assigned part: Topic 1: ResolVe that SHS Program is beneficial to filipinos topic 2: resolve that through science humans have the changed the earth for the better Topic 3: resolve that same sex marriage should be legalized in the philippines

16 The actual debate will be first topic: february 24, second topic: march 2, third topic: march 3, 2017

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