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Unit One – Natural and Human Systems

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1 Unit One – Natural and Human Systems
Canadian Geography 1202 Unit One – Natural and Human Systems

2 What Are Systems? A system is made up of many parts that connect to form a whole Is Earth system?

3 Systems Systems are connected into a complex web. Systems are dynamic
Systems have synergy Dynamic: Continually Changing Synergy: Whole system is greater than the sum of its parts How is this system dynamic? How does this system show synergy?

4 Natural and Human Systems
Natural Systems: Systems that occur in nature. Ecosystem: Community of plants and animals that interact with each other Together Natural Systems form the ecosystems that make up our environment They include The circulation of water, Weather and climate Drainage systems Energy Cycles Human Systems: Systems created by people They include: Settlements Transportation systems Communication systems Information systems Hayman Island Resort

5 Characteristics common among All Natural Systems.
Support all living things Are connected to one another in a complex network of relationships Decompose and recycle all waste Operate over very long timelines Operate in all four of earth’s spheres Display synergy Are driven by the sun Characteristics common among All Natural Systems.

6 Earth’s Four Natural Systems

7 Atmosphere Cause and effect relationship
Atmosphere: Thin layer of mixed gases that make up the are you breathe Consist of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, carbon dioxide and Ozone Features Cause and effect relationship Protects you from the suns intense energy Circulates air Regulates temperature 1.1 identify and describe natural systems

8 Lithosphere Cause and effect relationship
Lithosphere: The earth’s uppermost crust and part of the underlying mantle Varies in thickness from 2km (under oceans) to 250km (under thick continents) Main features: Consists of rock and minerals Cause and effect relationship Lithosphere broken into plates Movement of plates causes plate tectonics Results in earthquakes volcanoes, and mountains

9 Hydrosphere Cause and effect relationships: Moderates temperature
Hydrosphere: All the water on the Earth’s crust Main features: Lakes, rivers, glaciers, swamps, water vapour in the atmosphere Includes all water stored in organs of plants and animals Cause and effect relationships: Moderates temperature Used for transportation Essential for life

10 Biosphere Cause and effect relationships:
Biosphere: Layer of the earth where all life evolves Includes all life in the atmosphere and Hydrosphere Supports all living things on earth Main Features: Cause and effect relationships: Includes all interactions between plants and animals.


12 Examples of Natural Systems
In the atmosphere air is cycled from warmer areas to cooler areas. This moderates the temperature. Without atmospheric circulation it would always be colder in Canada!!

13 Examples of Natural Systems
3. As moisture gathers and cools it condenses 4. Precipitation The water cycle is a key natural system 5. Water runs off through, lakes, streams, and underground aquifers. Has a defined beginning and end 2. Evaporation and transpiration sends moisture into the atmosphere Earth never loses or gains any water All of our water has been recycled over hundreds of millions of years. 1. Water is stored in the ocean

14 Examples of Natural Systems
In the Hydrosphere ocean currents circulate the water and moisture. Ocean currents have a dramatic effect on climate. Warm ocean currents bring moisture Cool ocean currents are associated with deserts

15 Examples of Natural Systems
Cold Current Cold Current Cold Current Desert Desert Desert

16 Examples of Natural Systems
The Rock Cycle The rock cycle is how the Lithosphere recycles itself 2. Over time the rock is weathered, eroded away, and deposited 3. As sediment builds up it forms sedimentary rock 1. Volcanoes and cooling magma form igneous rock 4. As sedimentary rock is pulled under it is subjected to heat and pressure forming metamorphic rock 5. Eventually the rock melts and the cycle starts again

17 Examples of Natural Systems
The biosphere is where all living things interact One of the most simple ways animals interact is in a food chain The sequence of producer consumer decomposer is also a natural system

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