Mission Concept Status

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Presentation on theme: "Mission Concept Status"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission Concept Status
PACE Mission Concept Status April 6, 2016 Goddard Contractors Associations

2 Mission Overview & Top Level Schedule
Science Objectives The PACE mission will make global ocean color measurements for ocean ecology and global biogeochemistry along with polarimetery measurements on clouds and aerosols Mission Concept 98° inclination; ~675 km altitude; sun sync Sun-Synchronous (1pm MLT AN), 2 day global coverage Design to Cost Mission $805M with $100 Million for HQ Science 65% JCL required at KDP-C Class C Mission Launch Readiness Date August 2022 3 years Phase E (after commissioning) 10 years fuel Schedule Instrument(s) CDR Observatory I&T Spacecraft CDR Launch Spacecraft ATP Phase A Decommission CY16 CY17 CY18 CY19 CY20 CY21 CY22 CY23 CY24 CY25 CY26 GCA PACE 4/6/2016

3 Mission Operations Center (GSFC) Mission Operations Center (GSFC)
System Architecture TDRSS Command/Telemetry GPS Space Segment PACE Launch Segment Mission Data Ocean Biology DAAC (ESDIS Funded) Atmospheres DAAC (ESDIS Funded) CLASS VAFB Command / Telemetry Science Processing Mission Operations Center (GSFC) Science Data Segment (GSFC) Science Operations Science Software White Sands Complex Data Delivery Data Delivery Instrument Calibration Science Validation Ground Segment DQM Processing Processing Mission Operations Center (GSFC) Science Data Segment Program Science External Elements Data Management Data Management Fairbanks Primary T&C, SMD Reception Punta Arenas Primary T&C, SMD Reception Svalbard Primary T&C, SMD Reception White Sands Alternate T&C, SMD Reception TrollSat Alternate T&C, SMD Reception Vicarious Calibration System Ingest Ingest PACE ROSES Science Team Research Community GCA PACE 4/6/2016

4 PACE Project Organization
PACE Project Manager A. Dress Project Scientist J. Werdell Deputy Proj. Scientist (Ocean) A. Mannino Deputy Proj. Sci. (Atmosphere) B. Cairns 670 Deputy Project Manager K. McIntyre Deputy Project Manager / Resources W. Sluder 210 Contracting Officer TBD 427 427 Financial Manager M. Gosselin Chief Safety and Mission Assurance Officer J. Blackwood 324 Mission Systems Engineer T. Feild 599 Resource Analyst C. Greco Vacant Systems Engineer A. Matuszeski Earned Value Management Vacant Launch Vehicle Manager J. Satrom Mission & Ground Operations Manager R. Schweiss 427 Sr. Project Support Manager K. Opperhauser General Business P. Blackwood 490.5 427 427 Schedule Management W. Paradis / Vacant OCI Project Mgr. R. Estep OCI Deputy PM M. Hill/P. Nguyen Polarimeter Instrument Manager T. Dixon Observatory Manager B. Weinstein I & T Manager TBD Configuration / Data Management L. Sullivan / TBD Video Imaging & Photo. Rqmnts Vacant Information Technology Vacant GCA PACE 4/6/2016

5 Formulation Direction
GCA PACE 4/6/2016

6 PACE Mission Direction
PACE Mission was direct to GSFC via letter of direction from HQ on December 10, 2014 PACE Kick off meeting held on January 13, 2015 Mission defined as a Design to Cost development Project allocated $705M for management, instruments, spacecraft, launch vehicle, and operations HQ managed science allocated $100M for science, data processing and science systems GCA PACE 4/6/2016

7 Establishing Mission Requirements
The Design to Cost (DTC) process dictates that the requirements are part of the trade process The Science Definition Team (SDT) Report provides a set of objectives to be evaluated by the project HQ provided a set of threshold requirements At this phase of the mission, no agreed to baseline requirements have been established (per DTC process) Notional baseline requirements have been established for the preferred mission concept and cost The project uses the DTC process to determine what set of baseline requirements are achievable within the $705M budget and at the 65% cost confidence This process will continue in Phase A and Phase B and be codified at KDP C. GCA PACE 4/6/2016

8 Design to cost process GCA PACE 4/6/2016

9 Design-To-Cost puts the Requirements in the Trade Space
Science (capability) and engineering requirements are part of the trade space System total cost is a requirement and cannot be traded Goal is to maximize the science capability at a high cost confidence throughout the life cycle (minimum of 65% is required) At the mission gates, a well formulated single mission concept is planned to be recommended GCA PACE 4/6/2016

10 Each Capability & Element has a Trade to be Evaluated
Mission Elements: Spacecraft Instruments Launch Vehicle MOC Operations Science Engineering Management Mission Assurance Schedule Science Capability Risk Cost Technical GCA PACE 4/6/2016

11 Pre-phase A Trades GCA PACE 4/6/2016

12 ESD Program Science Priorities Defined
Global Ocean Color, Clouds and Aerosols Science Needs to be fully compliant with threshold requirements Enhanced Clouds and Aerosols Science Maximized capability at lowest cost Coastal Ocean Science* Approximately 100 meter spatial resolution Direct Broadcast of Science Data* Requires an additional COMM (X-Band) service * Pre-Phase A analysis shows that additional resources are needed to provide these capabilities in order to stay in within the 65% cost confidence GCA PACE 4/6/2016

13 Pre-Phase A Activities
The project performed Pre-Phase A trade studies, and as a part of the Design to Cost Process, narrowed the focus of the number of studies through an iterative process The Project held a two day Concept Decision Point (CDP) review on October 21st & 22nd with the following goals: Opportunity for an early look at the concepts developed by the Project Determine if a enough data has been collected to recommend an appropriate direction Held a successful GSFC Technical Management & Cost (TMC) Review on Dec. 8-9th with the goal of assessing the following: Technical concepts, schedules and cost Held a successful Mission Concept Review (MCR) on March 8-10th Presented the mission concept with focus on the project recommendations GCA PACE 4/6/2016

14 Mission Trades Performed Across All Elements
PACE Mission Studies Spacecraft Ocean Color Instrument Polarimeter Launch Vehicle With MOC/OPS Vendor Provided Hyper-Spectral Pushbroom m Sequential 3MI LSP Standard Delivery In Orbit Temporal Modulation JPL PSMPI LSP Rideshare Multiband Scanner m GSFC Provided Spectral Modulation Dutch SPEX Delivery In Orbit w/ S/C Hyper-Spectral Scanner m MMS Concept Amplitude Splitting Commercial Service Provider Coastal Camera ≤ 100m LRO Concept Dutch ASPIM Unique Concept UMBC HARPP GCA PACE 4/6/2016

15 Concept Meets Most of the SDT Objectives & All Threshold Capabilities
SDT report has been evaluated and the recommended mission concept meets all but the following SDT objectives: meter Ground Spatial Distance (GSD) Direct Broadcast Service 5 year mission life Threshold capabilities have been evaluated and the recommended concepts meet or exceed all required capabilities: Phase A science and engineering studies will be performed to determine what additional capabilities can be provided within the 65% cost confidence (i.e.*): GSD Determination & Orbital Altitude Signal to Noise Allocations Additional UV and SWIR Bands Selective Redundancy Detector trades for SWIR Channels Direct broadcast * Not the complete list additional trades GCA PACE 4/6/2016

16 PACE Mission Schedule GCA PACE 4/6/2016

17 KDP A planned for June 16th
Plans Forward KDP A planned for June 16th Acquisition Strategy Meeting ~ 1 month after KDP A Mission Requirements Reviews planned for the Fall of 2016 GCA PACE 4/6/2016

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