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Unit 10 Vocabulary (adj) arousing hatred; disgusting, detestable

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1 Unit 10 Vocabulary (adj) arousing hatred; disgusting, detestable
abominable (adj) arousing hatred; disgusting, detestable

2 The food here is abominable, and we will not be coming back.

3 (adj) blundering and awkward; (n) clumsiness
bumbling (adj) blundering and awkward; (n) clumsiness

4 I expected to see the seven dwarves come bumbling out of the cabin; especially Dopey.
The quarterback was always bumbling the football which made people wonder how he got on the team.

5 (n) A result, effect; importance
consequence (n) A result, effect; importance

6 The consequence of studying all week for your classes is a perfect report card.

7 (v) To fool, deceive; to mislead utterly
delude (v) To fool, deceive; to mislead utterly

8 Although Mary has no vocal talent, her parents have allowed her to delude herself into believing she is great.

9 dole (v) To give out in small amounts; (n) money, food, or other necessities given as charity; a small portion

10 The volunteers were there to dole out clothes, blankets, and supplies to the storm victims.

11 (v) To swallow up, overwhelm, consume
engulf (v) To swallow up, overwhelm, consume

12 Once the smoke started to engulf the area, everyone immediately started running away.

13 foil (v) To defeat; to keep from gaining some end; (n) a thin sheet of metal; a light fencing sword; a person or thing serving as contrast to another

14 Mom put the leftovers in pan and covered it with tin-foil.
Fortunately, the crew was able to foil the bad guys efforts to steal the diamonds.

15 formulate (v) To express definitely or systematically; to devise, invent; to state as a formula

16 I needed time to formulate a response to Detective Jackson’s questions.

17 initiative (n) The taking of the first step or move; the ability to act without being directed or urged from the outside

18 This girl took the initiative to help the teacher pass out materials.

19 (n) Something that serves as a reminder
memento (n) Something that serves as a reminder

20 I will keep this ring as a memento of my grandmother.

21 nonconformist (n) A person who refuses to follow established ideas or ways of doing things; (adj) of or relating to the unconventional

22 Because I chose not to go along with the plan, I am considered a nonconformist.

23 (adj) without legal force or effect; no longer binding
Null and void (adj) without legal force or effect; no longer binding

24 If you do not follow the rules to our agreement, then our contract becomes null and void.

25 panorama (n) A wide, unobstructed view of an area; a complete survey of a subject; a continually passing or changing scene; a range or spectrum

26 My camera allows me to take a panorama of the city.
This is a panorama of a variety of colors.

27 (n) All of a person’s offspring, descendants; all future generations
posterity (n) All of a person’s offspring, descendants; all future generations

28 Peter Nielson bought a lot of land to farm and would pass it along to his posterity in the future to continue farming.

29 pry (v) To pull loose by force; to look at closely or inquisitively; to be nosy about something

30 I had to implement the hammer when I was trying to pry open the container.

31 (v) To brighten, freshen, or polish; to restore or improve
refurbish (v) To brighten, freshen, or polish; to restore or improve

32 My dad’s hobby is buying classic cars, so he can refurbish them.

33 resourceful (adj) able to deal promptly and effectively with all sorts of problems; clever in finding ways and means of getting along

34 Suzy was very resourceful when it come to do-it-yourself projects.

35 (adj) sever, harsh, strict; thoroughly logical
rigorous (adj) sever, harsh, strict; thoroughly logical

36 The boot camp instructor was very rigorous when it come to following the rules.

37 (adj) coming after; following in time, place, or order
subsequent (adj) coming after; following in time, place, or order

38 Candi make a subsequent timeline of certain milestones in her life.

39 (adj) making no mistakes, faultless, completely accurate
unerring (adj) making no mistakes, faultless, completely accurate

40 With unerring brilliance of character, the judge is highly valued for wise discretions.

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