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Looking after your Mental Health

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Presentation on theme: "Looking after your Mental Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 Looking after your Mental Health
Dr. John Hillery Consultant Psychiatrist

2 No Health without Mental Health
Poor mental health effects: Social Functioning Cognitive Functioning Work Functioning Bodies Resistance Bodies Recovery Capacity Society

3 Mental Health Mental health is not just the absence of mental disorder. It is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. WHO

4 Healthy ------- Discomfort -------- Ill Health -------- Illness
Mental Health A Continuum Healthy Discomfort Ill Health Illness

5 Anxiety & Performance

6 Mental Health & Cancer Direct Relationship Not Proven Indirect Links
Effect on Course of Illness

7 Cancer & Mental Health Adjustment Disorder Panic Disorder Phobias
Obsessive- compulsive Disorder Post Traumatic Stress disorder Generalised Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorder caused by other Medical Conditions Depression

8 What to do? Promoting Your Mental Health
Look after your basic needs first: Eat & Sleep Listen to your body & use your breathing Have the courage to be imperfect & set realistic goals Alcohol in moderation & responsibly

9 What to do? Promoting Your Mental Health
Take time out for yourself, lose yourself Sign up for that course, join that club, volunteer Be active everyday in as many ways as you can Spend time with people who make you feel good

10 What to do? Promoting Your Mental Health
Laugh out loud each day Share the work-load, get everyone involved Try to be positive and focus on things you can control Think about how you think Talk about your troubles and seek help early

11 What to do? Preventing Ill Health
Watch Your Physical Health Diet Habits Exercise Life Balance Changing Mindsets Meditation Mindfullness Reframing Thoughts

12 Recognising Illness The experiencing of severe and distressing psychological symptoms to the extent that normal functioning is seriously impaired.

13 Recognising Depression
Having a depressed mood for most of the day and on most days. Loss of pleasure and interest in most activities. Changes in eating and sleeping habits. Nervousness or sluggishness. Tiredness. Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt. Poor concentration. Constant thoughts of death or suicide.

14 What to do? Treating Illness
Getting help Medical Assessment Listening Counselling Psychotherapy Medication Recovery Approach

15 What to Do? Helping Others
Listen. Facilitate Involvement. Encourage. Don’t Preach. Recognise Limits.

16 Take Away Be Proactive. Depression is not a given.
If in doubt talk it out. Recovery is the aim.

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