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Thought of the Week 29.

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1 Thought of the Week 29

2 This week is refugee week
Refugee Week is a national event that celebrates the contribution that refugee communities make to the UK. It is an opportunity to remember that refugees have to leave their country and everything they know because their lives are in danger. Cumberland is proud to welcome refugee students & staff from around the world. Did you know? One in every 200 people on the planet has had to leave their home because their lives are in danger. Did you know? Only 2% of the world’s refugees live in the UK. Did you know? 11 refugees from the UK have won the Nobel prize for science. Albert Einstein was a refugee, so was the founder of Marks & Spencer & the footballer Lua Lua… the list goes on. We hear lots of stories and stereotypes about refugees & asylum seekers. Can you separate the fact from the fib? Look around school for facts about refugees

3 Simple acts make a big difference. Think about the following……..
When a butterfly flaps its wings, it makes a tiny change in the atmosphere, which in turn can change the path of a tornado or a big wave. This is the so-called Chaos Theory, which describes how small events can influence big events. Now, if we apply this theory to human beings it works like this: Use your imagination to put yourself in the shoes of a refugee. This experience creates a tiny change in you, which in turn creates changes in those close to you, which in turn sets off a wave of change coming from within your community and affecting the way others perceive refugees.

4 Now think.... We have different pasts but shared futures….
What simple act can you make to welcome refugees into your class & community?

5 Rules When someone speaks, ACTIVELY listen to them
You can only speak when you have been given the bean bag You are able to disagree with someones’ opinion, but you must RESPECT it Form Rules:

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