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The Reformation on the Continent

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1 The Reformation on the Continent

2 Problems in the Church New money came into Italy through trade causing greed in the church

3 Problems in the Church Popes began living a life of luxury and having illegitimate children

4 Problems in the Church Church began to sell indulgences to make more money Indulgences are paid remission for sins – a ticket to get into heaven

5 Problems in the Church People began to speak out against church corruption Many were burned at the stake

6 Martin Luther Luther was upset by the sale of indulgences

7 Martin Luther Wrote 95 Thesis pointing out all the problems with the Catholic Church Posted it to the church door for everyone to read October 31, 1517

8 Martin Luther Goal: to reform the church
Result: created a new faith - Lutheran

9 Martin Luther Believed that salvation comes faith
Catholic Church believes that salvation comes from faith and works (sacraments)

10 Martin Luther Luther was protected by some princes of German states

11 Martin Luther Luther was excommunicated by the Catholic Church

12 Martin Luther Luther and the church made an agreement Peace of Augsburg – each German prince would choose the religion for the entire German city-state: Catholic or Lutheran

13 John Calvin Religious revolutionary from France also disagreed with the Catholic Church

14 John Calvin Believed in predestination – your fate is already decided by God

15 John Calvin Wanted a pure church
No stained glass, no idols, nothing fancy… Promoted a strict work ethic

16 Counter Reformation Catholic Church used the Inquisition to control dissidents Church officials met at Council of Trent to define church doctrine with only slight reform

17 Religious Wars German City-States
Engaged in a religious war: 30 Years War Peace of Westphalia ended the war stating that the prince of each German state would decide the state’s religion

18 Religious Wars France Catholic-ruled France persecuted Protestants (Huguenots) St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre 1572 In one week 100,000 Protestants were murdered


20 Religious Wars France Edict of Nantes issued 1598 called for religious toleration of Protestants Louis XIV revoked it in 1685 because of the need for unity for strength

21 Printing Press John Gutenberg built Europe’s first printing press in 1436 Allowed ideas (such as Reformation) to spread more quickly More books were printed faster Increased literacy

22 Christianity in Europe

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