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Effectively engaging everyone in it governance

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1 Effectively engaging everyone in it governance
Jim Crawford, Executive Director – Lone Star College System Oscar Ramos, Executive Director – Lone Star College System Effectively engaging everyone in it governance

2 Lone Star College System
15 Locations 1400 Square miles 6 Colleges 2 University Centers 7 Centers System Office and Conference Center

3 Lone star college system
Average 12% growth per semester. Open 1.2 Million Square Feet of new building space. 4800 Employees 90,000 Students 75,000 Credit 15,000 Continuing Education

4 Challenge Cost Effective technology that Faculty will use.
Look at what Technology has done to me! Does it engage students? Does it fit in the Strategic Plan? System and Campus

5 IT Governance Establish Determine Oversee Provide
Alignment of technology initiatives with System goals and strategies Technology policies and procedures Key performance indicators Determine Policy modification and retiring as necessary Alternative funding resource identification Resource allocation for innovative technology Oversee Technology policy enforcement and compliance Key performance indicators analysis Strategic plan development, update, and reporting Provide System-wide collaboration and communication Integration of technology in teaching, learning, administration and business processes Strategic advice to Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Campus Executive Directors

6 The TAC’s L-TAC: Leadership Technology Advisory Council
A-TAC: Academic Technology Advisory Council S-TAC: Student Technology Advisory Council T-TAC: Tactical Technology Advisory Council C-TAC: Campus Technology Advisory Council Sys-TAC: System Technology Advisory Council

7 C-TAC C-TAC’s mission is to serve as a forum focused on the following goals: Identify funding allocation for campus initiatives. Communicate across the campus to increase awareness of technology decisions and planning. Ensure that campus initiatives align with System and campus Strategic Plans.

8 C-TAC What do faculty want?

9 C-TAC What do Faculty want? Teach!
Technology that is intuitive to use. Have input on what goes into their classroom? What do they want to do? Teach!

10 C-TAC What does IT need?

11 C-TAC What does IT need? Cost effective technology.
Technology that faculty will use. Input on what is needed in the classroom.

12 A/V Project Cost: $700+ Cost: $6500+

13 C-TAC iPad project. Variety in applications.
Spark innovation in classroom. Every full time faculty received one. Variety in applications. PowerPoint control Drawing pads Access to grades Grade papers anywhere.

14 Over all the TAC’s have been very successful.
Lessons Learned Right council members. Meeting times that work. Constant work on communication skills. Reduces “The Illusion of Inclusion.” Over all the TAC’s have been very successful.


16 Thank You Please go online to Educause and evaluate this presentation. Contact Information:

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