Welcome to Reception Mrs Meek and Mrs Nixon.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Reception Mrs Meek and Mrs Nixon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Reception Mrs Meek and Mrs Nixon

2 Staff RM Mrs Meek;- class teacher Mrs Bailey;- LSA RN
Mrs Nixon;- class teacher Miss Dawson;- LSA Miss Davies;-student on Thursday and Friday

3 Daily Organisation Children line up on playground, please encourage your child to be independent. Any queries/problems , please see staff before/after school. Registration takes place at 8.40am. Toast money to be handed to staff ideally on Monday morning. 20p a day or £1 for the week. Children have fruit daily. Dinners are free until Year 2.

4 Literacy Covers communication through reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. To make connections between school, home and the wider community. To have access to, and share a wide range of rhymes, stories, poems, songs and non-fiction books

5 Reading Children will have a key ring and a reading book.
Please read as often as you can and bring back daily. Repetition is the key! Books are changed when appropriate. Your child will be heard twice a week with an adult.

6 Phonics Daily phonics following letters and sounds.
Use Phonics Play and learn Jolly Phonics Phase 2 and 3 songs to support learning.

7 Writing Children begin with “wiggles and squiggles”.
They begin to ascribe meaning to these marks. Increasingly use phonic knowledge and letter formation in their writing Write simple “CVC” words as knowledge increases. Cursive letter formation is school policy.

8 Mathematical Development
Covers counting, sorting, matching and patterns. Children work with numbers, shape, space and measures. Children learn through stories, songs, games and imaginative play.

9 Rewards All children start the morning and afternoon session on Green. If all children stay on green they may win the frog. If rules aren’t followed children move through the traffic light system as appropriate. Moving to blue means exceptional work and children receive a prize. Mystery prize every Friday chance to win a book. Attendance is important and children receive rewards in celebration assemblies.

10 Practical Details Please ensure all uniform is labelled with child’s name, especially PE! Children need to have a coat in school Packed lunches in named lunch box Children have “accidents”. If these are regular, can you provide a set of spare clothes.

11 Useful Websites Phonics play ICT games
Jolly phonic songs phase2 and phase 3 BBC website Any questions ?

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