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Reviewing the types and elements of folklore

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1 Reviewing the types and elements of folklore
What is a folktale? Reviewing the types and elements of folklore

2 Review… Folktales were the oral tradition of adults
They were passed down through many generations by word of mouth They are usually about peoples’ lives and imaginations as they struggled with their anxieties and fears about the world around them (prior to the scientific reasoning we have now) They were made up to explain the wonders of the world (weather, animals, etc).

3 Types… Fairy Tales Fables Myths Legends Tall Tales
think princesses, good v evil, once upon a time, happily ever after, magic Fables SHORT stories involving animals with a moral (lesson) Myths gods and goddesses, unusual creatures, explain how things came to be Legends everyday people that do extraordinary things (King Arthur, Billy the Kid) Tall Tales everyday people WITH SUPERHUMAN abilities, linked to a historical time period, resolution usually humorous

4 Common Themes in Folktales
Fear of not being loved Fear of leaving home Good and Evil Right and Wrong Happiness Kindness Friendship Loyalty

5 Characterization… Characters are usually flat (simple) and uncomplicated. They typically only change through their mindset (aka their lesson learned) The hero is usually young, fair, kind, charitable, honorable, courageous, unselfish, and may possess a special power.

6 Common Settings… TIME: fantasy time such as Long ago, Once upon a time, or A long time ago Place: usually described easily and briefly, leaving the rest up to imagination Example: a cottage in the woods or a magical kingdom

7 Common Plot Elements… Folktales are usually full of action and follow a basic plotline of events that usually starts with a quick grab of the reader’s attention. Conflicts are usually resolved with great deeds or acts of human kindness.

8 Common Styles and Tones…
Descriptions are quick and to the point, but create strong images with a small amount of language. Often there are promises made and promises broken. The number three is used A LOT in folklore. Magic is usually used to explain the unexplainable Repeated phrases are used frequently (Little pig, little pig, let me in…Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!) Sometimes folktales explain a natural phenomena that would otherwise have no explanation.

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