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4 St Paul’s Secondary School First Year Parents Information Evening
Tuesday September 27th 2016

5 Changes: Primary - Secondary
Larger school and Layout From being the biggest students to the smallest Students move – most teachers stay put Timetables Managing Lockers – getting to/from and times Managing the school bag, PE gear Homework –different amounts depending on the subject or the night/weekend Form Teacher, Year Head, Guidance Counsellor

6 Changes: Primary - Secondary
Getting to know teachers – from one to possibly ten or more Getting information to all the teachers, i.e. learning, medical or personal difficulties Getting to know new students, co-ed Longer day -Tiredness Adjusting – up to Halloween

7 What can parents/guardians do?
Spend time chatting about their day. Check Homework and Student Journal Discuss concerns regarding new subjects. Talk about their friends new/old. Look at timetable and help pack bags. Monitor pocket and lunch money. Leave school at lunch = Reward Contact the school or the HSCL if you have concerns. Actively promote maximum attendance

8 What can parents/guardians do?
Communicate through the student journal Relevant information should be passed on – Family Issues, Health Concerns, Learning Needs, Physical – through the Year Head Mr Haberlin – who will ensure that the information is passed on. Difficulties in individual classes should be addressed with the subject teacher concerned. Note in journal or phone for an appointment. Difficulty with a number of subjects contact Form teacher or Year Head. Inspect student journal on a regular basis – recommend nightly but not less than once a week SIGN JOURNAL

9 What can parents/guardians do?
School comments in journal can serve as an early warning mechanism and head off trouble in the future. Be sensitive to the needs of your child. Don’t discuss problem(s) with other students/parents.

10 Christian Ethos Catholic Secondary School for all faiths and none.
Religion is a Junior Cert Subject for all students. Christian Action fundraising and volunteering masses/prayer services liturgies, meditations and retreats Catholic Schools Week self esteem programmes St Paul’s Chaplain Fr Liam Merrigan

11 Guidance & Counselling
Meet all first years in SPHE classes. Referrals and one to one - assess concerns and needs. Confidentiality and trust. Common issues Finding their classrooms. Lockers and getting to class on time. Making friends and mixing in a co-ed setting. Bullying – past or new experience. Building Self Esteem. Will meet students regularly – as needed.

12 Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) First Year Content
Bullying Settling in to new school Getting Organised Study Skills Introduction to Careers

13 Role of the Year Head Oversees academic progress of students
Takes soundings from students Facilitates parental contact, meetings etc Supports students at risk, addresses the needs of vulnerable students Supports families in difficulty and reports to staff in relation to the year group.

14 Role of the Year Head Meets regularly with the Principal and Deputy Principal to discuss and review issues concerning the Year Group. Organises assemblies Ensures the year group follow the Code of Behaviour Monitors lateness and absenteeism. Checks and reviews the students’ journals

15 Bullying – The Tell Tale Signs
Loss of appetite Change in sleeping patterns Not mixing Mood swings Withdrawal from games, etc Fear of what might happen if your child reports bullying can be as bad as bullying itself. Bullying Policy on school website Contact Teacher: Ms Behan

16 Bullying- Who to Speak to?
Meitheal Leaders Prefects Any member of teaching staff Year Head Deputy Principal Principal

17 The Student Journal Page 1 Names of teachers (P/T meetings)
Page 14 Charter (sign) Page 19 Attendance Page 20 Reviews (effort and target setting) Page 22 Academic Mentoring Homework Recording Section Teacher Comments Absence Notes

18 Homework & Study Weekend Homework- do on Friday
Entering of all homework in students homework journal. NOT JUST WRITTEN WORK Completion and presentation of written assignments when due. Preparation of classwork-reading, compulsory learning and revision all need to be addressed Study: Note taking, revision and preparation for class tests, House and State Examinations. Use the homework journal to communicate one off and ongoing difficulties with teachers.

19 Homework and Study Recommended duration of study time 1 to 2 hrs five/six days a week (Quality not Quantity) Prepare a study/homework plan. Show discipline by doing homework before fun and going out. Communicate with teachers via the student journal if there are on-going problems with homework. After school study

20 Continuous Assessment & House Exams
Each subject will have in class tests-we record the results of these through website on e-portal and on Journal Page 20 There will be Christmas (Review 3) and Summer Exams of 1 or 1.5 hr in length. Page 20 Exams should be a positive experience. Students should be encouraged to challenge themselves. The First Year Parent/Teacher Meeting is the ideal time to bring minor subject related concerns to the attention of the subject teacher.

21 Programmes for Academic Support
Learning Support and Resource Classes. Junior Certificate Schools Programme (JCSP) Reading and Maths Competency Tests. A small number of educational assessments. Homework Club Literacy & Numeracy Initiatives Team Teaching and small group withdrawl Academic Mentoring

22 Home School Community Liaison When will I contact you?
When we are running courses for parents Prior to Parent Teacher Meetings Signing of student journal Provide support to you and your child Discuss opportunities for you and your child Looking for volunteers to: Take part in initiatives in the school Policy review Help in a variety of ways in the school

23 Home School Community Liaison When should you contact me?
If you have any questions If you need to meet me to discuss something If you want to help out or volunteer in the school My role is to encourage and develop partnership between the school and you the parents We want you to play an active role in your child’s education.


25 School Rules and Regulations
Importance of an orderly environment within the school and classroom. Courtesy and good manners. Attendance and punctuality –target setting P6 School Uniform. P7 School Environment P8 A detailed but not exhaustive list of minor, major and serious offences may be found in school journal on P12.

26 Sanctions Verbal and written warnings.
Penalty exercises or “Community Service” Detention within school hours and Lunchtime. After school detention. Pink Offence Forms Diary Signing Yellow Report Card Red (Probationary) Report Cards Suspension -repeated misconduct after above sanctions have been applied -serious intimidation, fighting Exclusion.

27 Awards & Rewards TARGET SETTING Positive Verbal Comments
Positive Comments in Journal Positive Comments at the Parent/teacher Meetings Behaviour Reward Trips Awards at end of year Attendance Awards JCSP Awards Trips and Tours

28 Practical Matters The school is supervised during breaktime and lunchtime and it is recommended that first year students stay in school during lunchtime where possible. All textbooks and copies should have the students name on them. All items of clothing should be labelled with students name. The school should be informed regarding students health issues. Please inform us of any changes to your contact details, particularly phone numbers should they change.

29 PE & Sports Teams (See Handout)
All students do Physical Education Training/Matches after/before and during school……€2 for bus Basketball Gaelic Football Soccer/Futsal Cross Country Running Athletics/Running Club Sports Day

30 Active Student & Extra Curricular
School Tours -Christmas & Year End Breakfast Club- Every morning free Homework Club- targeted students only Musical Society-Thursday Rm 19 Student Council- lunchtime meetings Guitar Classes- Tuesday Rm 19 Green Schools Reading Room- with Meitheal leaders

31 Matters Financial Student Expenses include locker rental, student journal, student insurance, photocoping and printing, practical subjects, guest speakers, postage etc €2 local for Buses/Matches, Phones, MP3 players, large sums of money, expensive items should not be brought to school. As part of being an inclusive school we don’t want any student excluded for financial reasons. Monitor lunch money.

32 Some final words of advice
We are here to help – do not hesitate to contact us There is an excellent pastoral care system in place in St. Paul’s – use it if you need to. Encourage your child to seek help if necessary Report incidents of bullying behaviour School is about relationships. It’s a three way experience. The greatest possibility of your child achieving their potential is when we all work together to make that happen. Check out the school website and e-portal regularly. Support the work of the Parents Council

33 Attend Participate RESPECT Do your Best

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