Chapter 23 APUSH Mrs. Price

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1 Chapter 23 APUSH Mrs. Price
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” Mahatma Gandhi

2 America & the Great War Causes: 1. Imperialism 2. Militarism
3. Nationalism 4. System of Alliances - Triple Entente (Allies) - Triple Alliance (Central Powers)

3 Imperialism

4 Militarism 1910-1914 Increase in Defense Expenditures France 10%
Britain 13% Russia 39% Germany 73%

5 Nationalism

6 Alliance System Pre-War: Triple Entente: France, Britain, Russia
Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Wartime: Allies: same as Triple Entente plus additional countries Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire

7 Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
June 28, 1914 By Gavrilo Princip


9 Germany Invades Neutral Belgium
The Schlieffen Plan

10 US Gets Pulled into WWI Close ties with Allies
Germany announces unrestricted submarine warfare (1916) The Sinking of the Lusitania (1915)

11 Zimmermann Telegram (Feb 1917): secret proposal for alliance between Germany & Mexico

12 Russian Revolution (March 1917)
April 6, 1917: Congress declares war

13 Wilson Idealism US entered the war to “make the world safe for democracy” 1. Sold to US by George Creel 2. Committee on Public Information

14 Fourteen Points Address to Congress
Jan 1918 Set of idealistic goals for peace League of Nations

15 On the Home Front To control dissent: -Espionage Act -Sedition Act
-Sabotage Act

16 War Production War Industries Board (B. Baruch)
National War Labor Board New opportunities for women & African-Americans -Great Migration

17 Women & the War

18 African Americans & the War

19 War Economy War bonds (Liberty Bonds) New Taxes

20 US Experience in WWI Draft: Selective Service Act (1917)
American Expeditionary Force (AEF) -Led by Gen. John J. Pershing -Size of US military helped demoralize Germans

21 Significant Battles Chateau-Thierry Meuse-Argonne

22 Trench Warfare

23 New Technology New, improved machine guns Higher power artillery Tanks
Flamethrowers Chemical weapons Airplanes submarines

24 New Weapons

25 U-Boats


27 High Causality Rates 1 million G.Britain 1.7 million France
2 million Germany 112,000 US (1/2 due to battle)

28 The Somme American Cemetery, France

29 War Ends! 11/11/1918: Armistice is signed
War lasted 4 years; US troops involved for just over 5 months Paris Peace Conference: Dec 1918


31 The Big Four

32 Treaty of Versailles Germany lost territory
New Countries created: Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland Germany’s army & navy were reduced Reparations to Allies ($33 billion) League of Nations Germany signs after France threatens to invade

33 Post WWI Map of Europe

34 Opposition to Treaty in US
US Senate refused to ratify treaty Wilson refused to compromise, appealed to public Strong opposition from Sen. Lodge Democrats lost 1920 election & treaty was dead US declared an end to war with Germany in 1921

35 Impact of Treaty German economic collapse
Destroyed German middle class Set stage for rise of Hitler & WWII

36 Post War problems Severe recession begins in 1920 Series of strikes
Farm prices fall High unemployment, businesses fail Series of strikes Seattle Boston

37 Bomb scares 36 bombs discovered in mail Sept 1920: Bombing on Wall Street

38 Red Scare Period of anticommunist hysteria
Response to Bolshevik Revolution (1917) 1919: Communist International created

39 Palmer Raids Led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer
Ordered arrest of thousands of suspected radicals Poor immigrants were targeted & deported

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