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Section 25.1 Summary – pages

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2 Section 25.1 Summary – pages 673 - 679
Characteristics of Animals Animals are: eukaryotic, multicellular Capable of movement that enables them to: reproduce obtain food and protect themselves Section 25.1 Summary – pages

3 Section 25.1 Summary – pages 673 - 679
Most animals have specialized cells that form tissues and organs. Ex: nerves and muscles. Animals cells do not have cell walls. Section 25.1 Summary – pages

4 1. SKELETONS HYDROSTATIC- skeleton formed through water pressure. ex. Earthworm

5 B. ENDOSKELETON- internal skeleton or cartilage, calcium carbonate or bones

6 Section 25.2 Summary – pages 680 - 685
Animal Protection and Support The endoskeleton: protects internal organs provides an internal brace for muscles to pull against. Section 25.2 Summary – pages

7 C. EXOSKELETON-hard, waxy covering for protection and support

8 SYMMETRY (BODY PLAN) -a balance in proportions
1. ASYMETRICAL- irregular in shape

9 Section 25.2 Summary – pages 680 - 685
2. Radial symmetry Animals with radial symmetry - can be divided, through a central axis, into roughly equal halves. Section 25.2 Summary – pages

10 Section 25.2 Summary – pages 680 - 685
3. Bilateral symmetry An organism with bilateral symmetry can be divided down its length into similar right and left halves. Section 25.2 Summary – pages

11 FEEDING Methods Filter Feeding- dissolved organic material enters with water. Ex: Sponges, barnacles Consuming – take in food through a mouth. Ex: Worms, insects, amphibians, mammals`

12 Section 25.1 Summary – pages 673 - 679
Animals obtain food C. They are heterotrophic - they must consume food to obtain energy and nutrients. Section 25.1 Summary – pages

13 5. RESPIRATION- Methods of gas exchange. Carbon dioxide for Oxygen
DIFFUSION- dissolved oxygen enters with water. Ex: Sponges Skin- through moistened skin Ex: amphibians Gills –Ex: Fish Lungs – Ex: Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals

14 6. REPRODUCTION A. ASEXUAL- BUDDING, a new organism forms, attached to mother

15 B. SEXUAL ( exchange of genetic material)
1. EXTERNAL FERTILIZATION- sperm and egg are released into the water and unite outside of female’s body 2. INTERNAL FERTILIZATION- sperm and egg unite inside female’s body

16 MOVEMENT SESSILE- does not move B. MOTILE- able to move

17 BODY TEMPERATURE ECTOTHERMIC- cold-blooded, affected by environment’s temperature ENDOTHERMIC- warm-blooded, able to maintain a constant internal temp.

blood washes over internal organs, no blood vessels. Ex: jellyfish, clams CLOSED CIRCULATORY SYSTEM- blood contained in vessels. Ex: earthworms, amphibians, mammals

19 INVERTEBRATES (lacks a backbone)

20 Section 27.2 Summary – pages 728-733
1. PHYLUM ANNELIDA- segmented worms What is a segmented worm? Food is taken in by the mouth. Wastes are released through the anus Section 27.2 Summary – pages

21 2. PHYLUM ARTHROPODA- insects, spiders, lobsters

22 3. INSECTA- insects SKELETON (3 PARTS) Head Thorax Abdomen

23 4. CLASS MAMMALIA- mammals
FUR- provides insulation, waterproofing, aids in maintaining body temperature MAMMARY GLANDS- secrete milk PLACENTA- organ that is used in passing oxygen to and removing wastes from the embryo, supports embryo

SYSTEM FISH AMPHIBIAN REPTILE BIRD MAMMAL CIRCULATORY 2- chambered 2-3 chambered 3-4 chambered 4- chambered INTEGUMENTARY (OUTER COVERING) scales slimy smooth skin scales plates feathers hair RESPIRATORY gills gills lungs skin lungs

25 ANIMAL BEHAVIOR BEHAVIOR- anything an animal does in response to a stimulus Animal Defense BehaviorAnimal Defense Behavior

26 INNATE BEHAVIORS- inherited behaviors
REFLEX- reaction to stimulus

FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT RESPONSE- a response to danger, mobilizes the body for greater activity, controlled by hormones Fight or Flight Response

28 3. INSTINCT- complex pattern of innate behaviors. Ex
3. INSTINCT- complex pattern of innate behaviors. Ex. How a goose knows to retrieve an egg that has rolled out of nest

29 4. COURTSHIP BEHAVIOR- the behavior the males and females carry out before mating
Peacock Courtship

30 5. TERRITORY- space that an animal defends
Big Horn Sheep

31 6. AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR- used to intimidate another animal
Crayfish Aggressive Behavior

32 7. DOMINANCE HIERARCHY- a form of social ranking within a group in which some are more subordinate than others Alpha Male Macaque

33 8. CIRCADIAN RHYTHM- a 24-hour cycle of behavior

34 9. MIGRATION- the instinctive seasonal movement of animals
Monarch Migration

35 10. ESTIVATION- state in which the body’s energy consumption drops during very hot months in response to drought

36 11. HIBERNATION- state in which the body’s energy consumption drops

37 Suckling – an innate behavior in newborns to get nourishment.
Taxis/Taxes- An innate behavior in an organism to a directional stimulus. Ex: earthworms are geotactic, preferring to be in the earth.

38 LEARNED BEHAVIORS HABITUATION- when animals no longer respond to stimulus

39 2. IMPRINTING- a form of learning at a critical time of life, forming a social attachment to another object Duck Imprinting on Puppy

40 3. TRIAL-AND-ERROR LEARNING- an animal receives a reward for making a particular response
4. MOTIVATION- an internal need that causes an animal to act, necessary for learning

41 Pavlov's Conditioning Experiment
5. CONDITIONING- learning by association Ex. Pavlov’s dog conditioned to bell Pavlov's Conditioning Experiment

42 Ex. Chimps put 2 sticks together to reach food
6. INSIGHT- when an animal uses previous experience to respond to a new situation Ex. Chimps put 2 sticks together to reach food Crows Using Tools

43 7. COMMUNICATION- an exchange of information that results in a change of behavior

44 8. LANGUAGE- the use of symbols to represent ideas, humans have spoken & written language
9. PHEROMONES- Chemicals used for communicating. Especially in insects to attract a mate.

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