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School counselors Curriculum (Effective use of Student mindsets and Behaviors) Kim Deamer.

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Presentation on theme: "School counselors Curriculum (Effective use of Student mindsets and Behaviors) Kim Deamer."— Presentation transcript:

1 School counselors Curriculum (Effective use of Student mindsets and Behaviors)
Kim Deamer

2 What kind of students do you have?

3 Individual Planning (Plan for Career & College Ready)
“The primary focus of the individual planning portfolio that results from individual student planning is the students future career pathways with postsecondary options.” -From slide presentation of Utah basic training

4 Individual Planning (Plan for Career & College Ready)
Every year with multiple activities, parents invited. Follow the objectives by grade level 4 year plan and beyond with graduation requirements and career pathway preparation Assessments (CRT, ACT, PLAN, Explore, AP etc.) Goal setting College application, job application Guidance activities/workshops about college affordability Fremont examples

5 Guidance Curriculum (and career guidance)
Data analysis of Needs assessment, sip, student competencies, and gaps in achievement drive guidance curriculum Provided yearly CTE intro in 7th career exploration and developmental activities with pathways provided multiple year Appropriate next step planning Fremont examples

6 Teacher’s Crosswalk

7 Needs assessment data Although we were rated well in all areas, 3 components of the survey revealed the greatest need for improvement: 21% of students and 17% of parents felt that counselors were not effective in helping students learn to manage their emotions and feelings (Guidance Curriculum) 19% of students felt that they needed more understanding of how to obtain scholarship and college information (Individual Planning and Guidance Curriculum) 20% of students felt that counselors need to be more available to meet with them (Responsive Services)

8 7th-8th grade ‘flipping book’ 9th -12th grade ‘flipping book’

9 What kind of leader are you?
When you view the next slide, read through the columns and select the column that describes more of your characteristics. Remember your column




13 What will you do?

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