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Study Skills Parent Session

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1 Study Skills Parent Session
October 29, 2009

2 I am definitely going to take a course on time management…just as soon as I can work it into my schedule – Louis E. Boone

The learning cycle will help all who are engaged in and plan for student success. That certainly includes parents

4 Learning Cycle Overview:
Outcome planning: What do we expect students to learn? Practice/Instruction: How should we modify our instruction to actively involve students in the mastery of their learning? Assessment: What do we do if students are not learning? How will we know if student are learning? Evaluation: What value is the assessment evidence?

5 Student Expectations Thoughts… Parent How to do this… Expectations

6 What to look at… Time Management Homework Tests

7 Time Management Questions????? So…how organized is your time?
What could you and your child do differently to improve your time management? (If anything)

8 HOMEWORK How much time should be spent on homework?
Why homework in the first place? What should the expectations be on homework?

9 Homework Place… Supplies… Time…

10 How to help… Have a set time each school evening.
Be with your child, do not do their homework for them. Complete homework in 10 to 20 minute blocks depending on age and focus ability.

11 Understand what is being asked of the homework (know the purpose).
Model time management skills. Have necessary materials and supplies available.

12 TEST TAKING=S T R E S S What is your current practice at home for test taking? When? What? How?

13 How to reduce anxiety… Study and review ahead of time.
Understand what type of test will be given and what will be covered. Get a good’s night rest. Have a nutritious breakfast/lunch. Positive thoughts about the test and themselves (the little train that could – “I know I can”) Familiarity and predictablility

14 Questions????

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