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People in Organisations

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1 People in Organisations
Managerial roles and authority

2 Managerial roles ‘A role from which some work has to be delegated to subordinate roles but for which occupant remains accountable to a higher authority for manner in which all of this work is carried out’ Mullins

3 Henry Mintzberg Managers don’t spend scheduled chunks of time planning, controlling Disjointed, fragmented Often on day-to-day basis Different hats depending on what is going on

4 Henry Mintzberg Defined 10 x managerial roles, divided into 3 x categories which would be taken appropriately by a manager according to his/her personality, that of their staff and the nature of the task in hand

5 Interpersonal roles Figurehead organisation’s representative
Leader, selecting, training, inspiring Liaison, communicating outside, building up information exchange system

6 Informational roles Monitor – wider network of contacts
Disseminator- passing on info Spokesman- transmitting info

7 Decisional roles Entrepreneur Disturbance-handler Resource allocator
seize opportunities, get things done, fixer Disturbance-handler Cope with unexpected, rectifying mistakes Resource allocator Distributing limited resources efficiently Negotiator Bargaining for resources, influence

8 Authority & responsibility
Authority is right to do something, or get others to do it Responsibility is liability of a person to be called to account for way he has exercised authority given to him. It is an obligation to do something, or to get others to do it

9 Delegation Delegation is not just a case of getting other people to do the work for you Ultimately you will remain responsible for the work, so delegating can be a tough task and involves a level of trust in employees

10 Accountability Duty of individual to report to his superior to account for how he has used his delegated authority and fulfilled his responsibilities

11 Delegation Limitations of work load
Frees boss to concentrate on important aspects Satisfies expectations of participation in decision making Grooming for promotion

12 Why reluctant to delegate?
Low confidence in abilities of subordinates Responsibility for mistakes Stay in touch Unwilling to admit capable subordinate Poor control, feel have to do everything or lose track Lack of understanding ‘delegation’ Doing ‘easy’ jobs, avoiding difficult tasks

13 Exercise 1 Suggest four ways in which senior management could encourage managers to delegate more

14 Power Power is the ability to do something, or get others to do it

15 Power Physical power Personal power Resource power Expert power
Access to information Access to other powerful people Control over rules & procedures Resource power Expert power

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