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Classification Review

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1 Classification Review

2 Class, Phylum, and Kingdom
The scientific name of the Grizzly bear is _______________ _____________. Ursus arctos A lion is in the Order Carnivora. What other taxons would he definitely share with the other animals in that order? Class, Phylum, and Kingdom

3 Deinoyctus Which organism are birds most closely related to?

4 2 Archaeabacteria and Eubacteria
How many Domains contain organisms that are prokaryotic?

5 What is taxonomy? the branch of biology concerned with the grouping and naming of organisms

6 Classify All of the below are used to help ________ organisms into groups. DNA Behavior Things that fly Things that crawl Things that walk on four legs Physical Characteristics

7 Who is Carolus Linnaeus?
Developed a 7-level (taxa) classification system based on similarities between organisms *Today it is _________Taxons 8

8 Diversity A variety of different species of organisms on this planet

9 Taxons go from the Domain, which is the ___________ taxon to species, which is the most ___________.
Broadest Specific

10 Binomial Nomenclature
A _____________is a classification system using two names to identify an organism

11 Several different phylums make up a __________

12 Scientific Name Names of organisms that are universally excepted by scientists around the world

13 Genus… Genus A _______consists of a group of closely related species from the same family The _______name is always Capitalized

14 Species... A _______ consists of animals that can mate and produce fertile offspring Only domestic dogs are known as _____ _______ The _______ name is always lowercase Canus familiaris

15 Which organism is most closely related to the horse?

16 Which organism are most closely related?
2 and 4!

17 Which organism is least related to the rest?

18 Name 8 Taxons in Order! Domain Dear Kingdom King Phylum Phillip Class
Family Genus Species King Phillip Called Oprah For Good Spices

19 Plantae I am a multicellular, autotroph What kingdom am I in?

20 Archaeabacteria I am a unicellular, autotroph. I am a thermophile (live in hot environment) What kingdom am I in?

21 Animalia I am a multicellular, heterotroph that moves around to get my food. What kingdom am I in?

22 Eubacteria I am a heterotroph with no nucleus. I like to break down dead organisms to get my food. What kingdom am I in?

23 Fungi I am a multicellular, heterotroph with a cell wall composed of chitin. What kingdom am I in?

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