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Team Juggle GO TO year 3 Unit 4 lesson 6

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2 Team Juggle GO TO year 3 Unit 4 lesson 6
Each group has a different Cog

3 Team Juggling Some: Share how you have used a Multi-ability
focus in PE Many: Review and discuss Multi-abilities All: Experience a Fusion Warm-up Stress – CV Fusion warm ups

4 Team Juggle review



7 Day 2 – Continuing your journey
Section 1 real PE recap Section 2 Delivery review Section 3 Healthy competition Section 4 Learning Nutrition Section 5 Assessment Section 6 Plenary

8 Describe real PE in a sentence of
Section 1: real PE recap Describe real PE in a sentence of 15 words or less

As we set out to develop the strategy, we became acutely aware that physical inactivity has become normal. We think that this is the sleeping giant issue in every major market we operate in as a company And “Access to Sport for all”, as a goal is frankly not achievable if this is the backdrop. So this, at the end of the day, is the core problem that we are solving for.

10 Fundamental Movement Skills
Agility Balance Coordination

11 Let’s measure what we value
as opposed to value what we measure!

12 How is real PE different?

13 How is real PE different?

14 Section 2: Delivery review Between Day 1 & 2…
Any fist pump moments? Any challenges you have overcome? Anything you want help with?


16 Section 3: Healthy Competition
What can young people learn through healthy competition? What does healthy competition look, sound and feel like?


18 Getting Around Us See Lesson Plan Year 3 Unit 3 Lesson 1

19 FMS Recording progress

20 Section 4: Learning Nutrition
“Creating an the optimum environment by providing the essential ingredients for all pupils to maximise their learning.” All about creating positive teaching habits to develop positive learning behaviours

21 What did you like about how the practical sessions have been delivered?

22 Learning Nutrition

23 Shape Up Social Focus Few: I can negotiate and collaborate appropriately (Level 6) Some: I can give and receive sensitive feedback to improve myself and others (Level 5) Many: I can help organise roles and responsibilities (Level 4) All: I cooperate with others and give helpful feedback (Level 4) Year 5/6 Unit 3 Lesson 1

24 Shape up - Phase 1 Show your own shape
Refine your shape and contrast with others Teach others your refined shape Learn 4 shapes 5. Develop a sequence (Come up with a story to help you remember shapes and order.) 6. LOCKED Year 5/6 Unit 3 Lessons 1-3

25 Shape up - Phase 2 6. Explore movements between the shapes 7. Complete the sequence x 4 in synch! 8. Try in complex canon 9. At least one person double speed or on the move or communicate an emotion!

26 Shape Up Social Focus Few: I can negotiate and collaborate appropriately (Level 6) Some: I can give and receive sensitive feedback to improve myself and others (Level 5) Many: I can help organise roles and responsibilities (Level 4) All: I cooperate with others and give helpful feedback (Level 4)

27 Roles on a bus


29 Year 1 Unit 3 Lesson 1

30 Cognitive Focus Some: I can begin to order instructions,
movements and skills (Level 3) Many: I can name some things I am good at (Level 1) All: I can understand and follow simple rules


32 Learning Nutrition

33 Learning Nutrition

34 ‘Some things are simply more important than others.’ ‘Less is more’

35 Task Compare your current PE delivery against the Learning Nutrition Framework and identify one area for improvement.

36 Section 5 Assessment Recording Progress – by staff
Assessment for Learning – by children

37 AfL FS / KS 1 - Playful - Pegs - Let children explore and practice Y 3 & 4 - Personal Best sheet Y 5 & 6 - FUNS circle

38 Assessment review In pairs discuss: Your chosen AfL method
How you will record progress

39 Section 6 - Plenary

40 In pairs review your actions: AfL and recording progress
How you will focus on your chosen Learning Nutrient How you will include healthy competition in your lessons

41 real PE Teacher Portal
Password: realPEteacher

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