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Water and Minerals Chapter 8.

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1 Water and Minerals Chapter 8

2 Learning Objectives Describe the body’s water sources and routes of water loss, and name factors that influence the need for water. Compare and contrast the health effects of various sources of fluid. Discuss why electrolyte balance is critical for the health of the body.

3 Learning Objectives Identify the major minerals important in human nutrition and their physiological roles in the body, the consequences of deficiencies, and their most important food sources. Identify the trace minerals important in human nutrition and their physiological roles in the body, the consequences of deficiencies, and their most important food sources.

4 Learning Objectives Describe the influence of diet during youth on the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

5 Introduction Minerals Major Trace Water Most indispensable nutrient

6 Minerals in a 60-Kilogram (132-Pound) Person, in Grams

7 Water Makes up about 60 percent of a person’s weight
Water content of various tissues Brain and muscle Bones Body processes

8 Water Roles Solvent Cleansing agent Lubricant and cushion Coolant
Nearly universal Cleansing agent Dialysis Lubricant and cushion Coolant Sweat

9 The Body’s Water Balance
Dehydration Signs Groups at risk Water intoxication Body water varies by pounds Thirst and satiety govern water intake Hypothalamus, pituitary gland, kidneys

10 Water Balance – A Typical Example

11 Effects of Mild Dehydration, Severe Dehydration, and Chronic Lack of Fluid

12 How Much Water Do I Need to Drink in a Day?
Water needs vary Influential factors Fluids and foods DRI recommendations Metabolic water Sweating Fluid loss in a day

13 Factors That Increase Fluid Needs

14 Water in Foods and Beverages

15 Liquid Calories Weighing in on extra fluids
Added sugars Drinking calories Meeting the body’s fluid needs

16 Drinking Water: Types, Safety, and Sources
Types of water Hard Calcium and magnesium Soft Sodium Hypertension

17 Safety of Public Water Contamination Public water systems
Remove many hazards Disinfectants Testing and reporting Chlorination and cancer

18 Water Sources Surface water Groundwater Home water purification
Exposure to contamination Stays above ground Groundwater Aquifers Contamination Home water purification Bottled water Environmental impact

19 Body Fluids and Minerals
Water follows salt Electrolytes Water flows toward greater concentration Fluid and electrolyte balance Causes of imbalance Acid-base balance Hydrogen Buffers

20 How Electrolytes Govern Water Flow

21 Calcium Most abundant mineral in the body Meeting DRI recommendations
Storage facilities Bones In constant flux Teeth

22 A Bone

23 Calcium Bone and tooth formation Bone Teeth
Hydroxyapatite invade collagen Teeth Dentin

24 Calcium In body fluids Calcium balance 1 percent of body’s calcium
Roles Blood calcium is tightly controlled Other potential roles of calcium Calcium balance Skeleton serves as a calcium bank Bone density Organs assisting with calcium balance

25 Calcium Calcium absorption Bone loss Recommendations
Increases in times of need Times of increased absorption Bone loss Inevitable consequence of aging Peak bone mass Osteoporosis Supplements Recommendations

26 Bone Throughout Life

27 Calcium

28 Phosphorus Second most abundant mineral in body Roles in the body
Majority found in bones and teeth Roles in the body Recommendations Deficiencies are unlikely Excess phosphorus in the blood Food sources

29 Phosphorus

30 Magnesium Major mineral Half in the bones Roles in the body Deficiency
Dietary requirement Half in the bones Other places in the body Roles in the body Works with calcium Deficiency Toxicity Recommendations

31 Magnesium

32 Sodium Roles Deficiency “Water Weight” Recommendations
Major part of fluid and electrolyte balance Acid-base balance Deficiency Hyponatremia “Water Weight” Recommendations Intakes and UL

33 Sodium Intakes of U.S. Adults

34 Sodium and Salt Intake Guidelines

35 Sodium Blood pressure Controlling salt intakes Hypertension
Prehypertension Sodium intakes increases blood pressure DASH diet Controlling salt intakes Processed foods Fast foods Read Nutrition Facts labels

36 How to Trim Sodium from a Barbeque Lunch

37 Sources of Sodium in the U.S. Diet

38 Potassium Positively charges ion inside cells Roles Deficiency
Fluid and electrolyte balance Cell integrity Heartbeat Deficiency Dehydration Toxicity Recommendations

39 Potassium

40 Chloride and Sulfate Chloride Sulfate Crucial for fluid balance
Hydrochloric acid Principle food source Sulfate Roles No recommended intake Deficiencies are unknown

41 Trace Minerals

42 Iodine Body’s work is done by ionic form, iodide Roles Deficiency
Thyroxine Deficiency Goiter Cretinism Toxicity Food sources

43 Iron Every living cell contains iron Two proteins Roles Hemoglobin
Myoglobin Roles Carry oxygen Make new cells, amino acids, hormones, & neurotransmitters Other roles

44 Iron Iron stores Hepcidin regulates blood iron levels Absorbing iron
A mineral to be tightly regulated Iron losses Special proteins transport and store iron Hepcidin regulates blood iron levels Absorbing iron Forms of iron in food MFP factor Impairing iron absorption

45 Promoters and Inhibitors of Iron Absorption

46 Iron Deficiency Iron deficiency Iron-deficiency anemia
Signs of deficiency Mental symptoms Adults Children Pica

47 Normal and Anemic Blood Cells

48 Iron Causes of deficiency Groups most susceptible to deficiency
Blood loss Groups most susceptible to deficiency Women of childbearing age Infants, toddlers, adolescents Too much iron Iron overload Symptoms Recommendations

49 Iron

50 Zinc Works with proteins in every organ Deficiency Excess zinc
Roles Deficiency Groups at greatest risk for deficiency Excess zinc Food sources Vegetarians

51 Zinc

52 Selenium Roles in the body Relationship with chronic disease
Cancer Deficiency Toxicity Supplements Sources Meats and shellfish

53 Fluoride Not essential to life Roles in the body Deficiency Toxicity
Fluorapatite Deficiency Dental decay Toxicity Fluorosis Sources

54 U.S. Population with Access to Fluoridated Water Through Public Water Systems

55 Chromium and Copper Chromium Copper Roles in the body Sources
Best sources are unrefined foods Copper Deficiency Toxicity

56 Other Trace Minerals and Some Candidates
Molybdenum Manganese Boron Cobalt Nickel Others All trace minerals are toxic in excess! ULs for boron, nickel, and vanadium

57 Meeting the Need for Calcium
Low calcium intake Associated diseases Milk and milk products Traditional sources of calcium

58 Meeting the Need for Calcium
Vegetables Absorption Calcium binders Other foods Calcium-fortified foods Supplements Making meals rich in calcium

59 Calcium Absorption from Food Sources

60 Milk and milk Products: Average Intakes

61 Osteoporosis: Can Lifestyle Choices Reduce the Risk?
Controversy 8

62 Introduction Osteoporosis prevalence Causes Fractures Sex differences
Tangled complexity

63 Development of Osteoporosis
Bone Trabecular Tapped when blood calcium is low Cortical Bone loss Dowager’s hump Fractures Common sites

64 Loss of Trabecular Bone

65 Loss of Height in a Woman With Osteoporosis

66 Toward Prevention – Understanding the Causes of Osteoporosis
Risk factors Gender and advanced age Genetics and environmental factors Bone density and genes Influence of genes Genetic inheritance Risks vary by race and ethnicity

67 Risk Factors for Osteoporosis

68 Toward Prevention – Understanding the Causes of Osteoporosis
Calcium and vitamin D Bone strength in later life Bone building during childhood and adolescence Gender and hormones Menopause for women Estrogen and testosterone Body weight

69 Two Women’s Bone Mass History Compared

70 Toward Prevention – Understanding the Cause of Osteoporosis
Physical activity Tobacco smoke and alcohol Protein Too little protein Too much protein Sources Sodium, caffeine, soft drinks Other nutrients

71 Diagnosis and Medical Treatment
DEXA scan Drug therapies Estrogen replacement therapy

72 Calcium Recommendations
Recommendations vary Set according to life stage Sources Foods and beverages first Dietary calcium Sunshine for vitamin D Supplements Types of supplements

73 Calcium Supplement Risks

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