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Asthma BY: Marwan Abou Ezze.

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Presentation on theme: "Asthma BY: Marwan Abou Ezze."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asthma BY: Marwan Abou Ezze

2 What is asthma? Basic Definition: Asthma is a disease affecting the airways that carry air to and from your lungs.

3 What is Asthma The irritation and inflammation of the bronchioles air tubes… Inflammation occurs when the body releases histamine(organic nitrogen compound) and other agents that can cause inflammation in the airways This causes the air tubes to be easily irritated by many factors…

4 What happens When the inflammation is "triggered" by any number of external and internal factors, the factors depend on a person with the asthma , the passages swell and fill with mucus. Muscles within the breathing passages contract (bronchospasm), causing even further narrowing of the airways. -caused by abnormal sensitivity of cholinergic receptors, which cause the muscles of the airways to contract when they should not This narrowing makes it difficult for air to be breathed out (exhaled) from the lungs. This resistance to exhaling leads to the typical symptoms of an asthma attack.

5 What are these triggers?
Allergens - pollen and house dust Irritants - strong odors and sprays, such as perfumes, household cleaners, Exercise Smoking Allergic reactions

6 Causes of Asthma The exact cause is not known – combination of environmental and genetic factors

7 Causes of asthma An inherited tendency to develop allergies
Parents who have asthma Certain respiratory infections during childhood Contact with some airborne allergens or exposure to some viral infections in infancy or in early childhood when the immune system is developing

8 Symptoms of an asthma attack
Breathing becomes harder and may hurt. There may be coughing. There may be a wheezing or whistling sound, which is typical of asthma. Wheezing occurs because of the rush of air which moves through the narrowed airways.

9 diagnosis Spirometry - the evaluation of lung function with a spirometer. Asseses _ how well the lungs receive, hold, and utilize air to monitor a lung disease

10 diagnosis chest x-rays - a diagnostic test which uses invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones, and organs onto film. blood tests - to analyze the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood. allergy tests

11 Treatment There are no cures for asthma, just ways to lessen symptoms and attacks.

12 Treatment Short-term treatment:
Controller Inhalers – used to reduce baseline swelling in the bronchiole airways/reduce mucus buildup Reliever Inhalers - loosens airways – quick fast relief - During Attacks


14 treatment Long-term control medications in the form of pills are taken daily to maintain control of persistent asthma. They primarily serve to control airway inflammation.


16 Bibliography

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