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Internet Marketing Considerations

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Marketing Considerations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Marketing Considerations
Symeonides Simos – 8/7/2004 Resources: Theratron & IATPOnet data List of 32 Internet Marketing Techniques IAB

2 What makes an online campaign effective? (IAB considerations)
Facts: There are no concrete rules No sure way to predict how well any banner ad will do Many successful banner ads are the result of extensive trial and error experimentation 8/7/2004 /

3 The basics ( considerations)
Ease of use Give away Something of Value Satisfy Users Content Needs Put your Ad Everywhere 8/7/2004 /

4 What makes an online campaign effective? (IAB considerations)
Post banner ads on pages with related Web content - the more related, the better. Advertise a particular product or service in your banner, rather than your site generally. If you do advertise a particular product or service, link the banner ad to that part of your Web site, rather than your home page. Put banner ads at the top of the page, rather than farther down. 8/7/2004 /

5 What makes an online campaign effective? (IAB considerations)
Use simple messages rather than complicated ones. Use animated ads rather than static ones. Your graphic content should pique visitor curiosity, without being too obscure. Keep banner ad size small. If the page takes too long to load, a lot of visitors will go on to another page. 8/7/2004 /

6 What makes an online campaign effective? (IAB considerations)
The most important things are: to make visually appealing ads with interesting content to intelligently place the ads so they are exposed to audiences that would be interested in them. 8/7/2004 /

7 Things that have worked for us (Theratron considerations)
Related banners & offers with content No competitive offers that confuse the public Brand name building by ”being there” Provide something useful: sponsored content product “microsites” “info-banners” 8/7/2004 /

8 Top importance (Theratron considerations)
Know the public Approach the public with something useful (add value) 8/7/2004 /

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