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Boosting Urban Climate Action: Urban Pathways Stefanie Holzwarth Urban Mobility Unit UN-Habitat

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Presentation on theme: "Boosting Urban Climate Action: Urban Pathways Stefanie Holzwarth Urban Mobility Unit UN-Habitat"— Presentation transcript:

1 Boosting Urban Climate Action: Urban Pathways Stefanie Holzwarth Urban Mobility Unit UN-Habitat

2 Happiness?

3 This city is NOT in your hands.
Traffic Unhappiness… This city is NOT in your hands. Get in. NOT Happy.

4 Urban Mobility Challenge in the 21st Century
Growing Population, Unplanned Urbanisation, Poor Public Transport and Unsafe Walking and Cycling Facilities

5 Urban Mobility Challenge in the 21st Century
Congestion, Climate Change, Air Pollution, Poor Health, Road Safety

6 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)

7 Goal 11: Transport Target 11.2
By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons

8 UN-Habitat and SOLUTIONS project experience

9 UN-Habitat supports BRT planning in Nairobi, Kampala, Addis Ababa (SUSTRAN project)
Preparing for continued urban growth now provides the opportunity to avoid mistakes made by other cities already further along in their development paths. Supporting the design and implementation of integrated sustainable transport projects in Addis Ababa, Kampala and Nairobi Strategic Response Upgrade transit systems - Introduce BRT Implement improved non-motorized transport infrastructure Integrate transport modes Apply travel demand management Reduce growth in private motorised vehicles

10 Public Transport Planning: Examples from East Africa
Nairobi BRT Service Plan

11 Sustainable Urban Mobility — Better Design of Streets, Public Spaces and Integration with Mass Transit 1.Complete Street Designs; 2. More Friendly to Pedestrians; 3. Reduce the conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles. Ramps to reduce vehicle speeds Pedestrians remain at the level of the footpath

12 Sustainable Urban Mobility
Hyderabad Bicycle Sharing as feeder to new Metro

13 The Urban Electronic Mobility Initiative: UN Climate Submit 2014
Pledge between… Supply Side & Demand Side Industry : “Increase the global market share of EV in cities to reach at least 30% by 2030.” Cities/ Governm.: “By 2030, EVs will form 30% of the fleet of light duty vehicles (LDV), plying in their cities”. Multilateral Dev. Banks: “Increase their investments to support cities in attaining the goal of 30% of the LDV fleet being comprised of EVs

14 Urban Electric Mobility Initiative
Exchange between practitioners, researchers and decision markers; Cities and Industry Commitments; Electric Mobility Tool Kit. Pilot projects

15 SOLUTIONS project Exchange on innovative and green urban mobility solutions between cities from Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Mediterranean

16 Follow Up project: Urban Pathways
To deliver on the Paris Agreement and the NDCs in the context of the New Urban Agenda and the SDGs UN-Habitat will work on delivering on the Paris Agreement. UN-Habitat will support implementation on the NDCs in the context of the New Urban Agenda and SDGs.

17 Urban Pathways: In Pursuit of the SDG, NUA and Paris agreement
Testing Transferability of concepts for low carbon urban services; Identifying Fun-ding and imple-menting concrete solutions ; Upscaling of pilots Safe, resilient , sustainable cities; accessibility for all; 1.5 ˚ pathway Analysing institu-tional frameworks, stakeholder dialogue and city-city coope-ration networks; Dialogue between National, Regional and Cities – National Urban Policies;


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