NPMA U P D A T E Certification Program and the Property Management

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Presentation on theme: "NPMA U P D A T E Certification Program and the Property Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 NPMA U P D A T E Certification Program and the Property Management
Associate of Arts Degree U P D A T E Marcia D. Whitson, CPPM, CF Vice-President of Certification

2 Fundamentals of Personal Property Management
The New CPPS Manual Fundamentals of Personal Property Management

3 Accompanying CD . . . Electronic Copy of the Manual
Student Study Guide STUDY GUIDE includes: Definition Chapter Sections Summary of the Chapter Key Points By Section Internet Links References and Other Research

4 Status on Re-Write of Advanced Manuals - CPPA
TOTAL CHAPTERS Finished Being Edited Written Writers Needed Contracts 11 5 1 Corporate 7 2 State & Local 11/12 8 Federal 6 4 University 55/56 28 3 10

5 Need Writers!! Federal Manual Contractor Property Contracts Manual UID
Corporate Manual Contract Admin & Sub-Held Property Fleet Management Sarbanes Oxley

6 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS Release of new CPPS Manual/CD
Current Certification Program participants should complete all exams by 12/31/06 retakes until 3/31/06 Release of new CPPA Manuals (fall 2006) Policy Change through December: CPPA and CPPM exams may be taken without completion of work experience (Certification will be awarded after completion of work experience)

7 2006 NES Minneapolis, MN Friday / Saturday - August Review Course for new CPPS “Fundamentals of Personal Property Management” Manual Sunday – August 27 Testing for all levels CPPS / CPPA / CPPM (previous curriculum)

8 Proctor Manual Proctors will make application
Proctors are approved and identified via certification application PROCTOR MANUAL includes: Responsibilities of the Proctor Receiving, Checking & Storing the Exam Preparing for Administering the Exam Administering the Exam Other Information about Certification Att. A - Proctor Application Att. B – Proctor Code of Ethics Att. C – Instructions to the Examinees Att. D – Summary of the Exam

9 What is Next for Certification . . .
Bring the program up to the Standards for Accreditation Elevate perception and recognition of our Certification Program Ensuring our Certification program is meeting acceptable standards and practices for certification programs. Establish the credibility of the Certification Program in Industry Process for accreditation is a deliberate and through process that will insure excellence, quality assurance and ethical standards for our program.

10 Steps to Standards Appointing a Governance Committee
Write Mission, Charter Policies and Procedures Hiring a Psychometrician: Conduct a Job Analysis Train SMEs to write exams Beta test exams Conduct and document analysis


12 Announcing the Stevens Henager College Logan, UT
Management, Accounting and Property Management Degree Stevens Henager College Logan, UT

13 7 Main Campuses

14 Highlights of the Degree Program
On-line Associate of Arts Degree Accelerated Degree Program (12 – 24 mo) Credits are transferable to and from the degree program Financial aid available 10% discount for NPMA members Each course is for one month only 24/7 virtual campus Instructors have on-line office hours

15 Action Plan (summary) . . . Obtain approval for financial aid (complete) Develop website to promote and communicate degree program (complete) Establish help desk, learning mgmt system, and customer relationship mgmt system. (complete) Implement and comply with accrediting standards (complete) Publish catalog, student handbook, policies, calendars, etc. Hire teachers for Property Management courses

16 Action Plan (continued) . . .
Develop Market Plan (complete) NPMA approves teachers for the Property Management Courses NPMA approves the curriculum and teaching materials College will conduct periodic audits of the courses and students and provide results to NPMA College prepares and forwards to the accrediting agency the program application, self-studies and required reports.

17 Next for the Degree Program . . .
Going to an International Market Bachelors or Graduate Degrees The Certification Program and the Degree Program affiliation: Providing credit for courses which persons complete the Certification program or . . . The Certification Program recognizing the completion of Courses taken toward the degree program.

18 COURSES Accounting Fundamentals Accounting Principles I
Accounting Principles II American Civilization Business Law Business Practices Computerized Accounting Federal and Contractor Focused Property Management Finance Intermediate Writing Internet Commerce Interpersonal Communication Introduction to Writing Investment Principles Management Principles Managerial Accounting Marketing Mathematics Payroll Accounting Principles of Finance Professional Development Property Management; Advanced Property Management Applications Property Management Fundamentals Reason and Rational Decision-Making Student Success Word Processing


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