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Density Do Now: What is density? What is its formula and unit?

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Presentation on theme: "Density Do Now: What is density? What is its formula and unit?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Density Do Now: What is density? What is its formula and unit?

2 Coke Vs Diet Coke 1. Predict what might happen if I dropped a can of Coke in a large graduated cylinder filled with water. 2. What might happen if I dropped Diet coke in water? 3. What property accounts for the difference in the two types of soft drinks? 4. How could I make the coke float?


4 One thing that we know about density is that substances,
solid or liquid, that are less dense will float in liquids that are more dense. Now order the following in terms of increasing density (smallest to largest): Salt water, water and Sugar water ___________< ________ < ___________

5 What can you tell us about the density of water, alcohol, & ice cubes?
Ice is (more/less) dense than liquid water? (circle one) Ice is (more/less) dense than rubbing alcohol (circle one) Liquid water is (more/less) dense that rubbing alcohol? (circle one) Place in order of increasing density: _____________ < ____________________ < ________________



8 Examples: An object has a mass of 5.0 g and occupies a volume of 15ml, what is its density? D= m v D = 5g 15ml D= 1 g/ml 3 D= .33 g/ml

9 Examples: 2. An object with a mass of 10.0 g. It is placed in a graduated cylinder which contains 50.0 ml of water, and the water rises to 70.0 ml. What is the object’s density? D = m/v D= 10.0 / ( ) D= 10.0 / 20.0 D= .500 g/ml

10 Examples: 3. A sample with a density of 3.75 g/ml has a volume of ml. What is the mass of the sample? D = m/v 3.75g/ml = x /10.44ml X = (3.75 g / ml ) x (10.44ml) X = g

11 ___________________ < __________________ < ___________________
4. Place the following objects in order of increasing (smallest to largest) densities. Object A: 4.5 g per 45 ml Object B: 10 mg per 10 ml Object C: g per 1.2 L (1000mg = 1g) (1000ml = 1l) ___________________ < __________________ < ___________________

12 Temperature Scales

13 What is the freezing point of water in…
0C: 0F: K:

14 absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature = 0 K.
Kelvin Scale (SI) Has NO negative numbers absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature = 0 K.

15 Temperature You can convert between the 3 scales! K = oC oC = K- 273

16 Examples: 1. What is absolute zero (0K) in ºC?
2. Convert 200K to Celsius. 3. What is 35ºC in Fahrenheit?

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