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Mobilizing Churches & Denominations toward No Place Left (Matt

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1 Mobilizing Churches & Denominations toward No Place Left (Matt
Mobilizing Churches & Denominations toward No Place Left (Matt. 24:14; Rm. 15:23) through Kingdom Movements Steve Smith

2 (DMT=Disciple Multiplication Training CPM=Church Planting Movement)
France – Proposed Kingdom Equation From 4,000 churches to 6,500 churches (DMT=Disciple Multiplication Training CPM=Church Planting Movement)

3 France – Proposed Kingdom Equation From 4,000 churches to 6,500 churches
DMT --> Vocational Leaders --> CPM (DMT=Disciple Multiplication Training CPM=Church Planting Movement)

4 France – Proposed Kingdom Equation From 4,000 churches to 6,500 churches
DMT --> Vocational Leaders --> CPM (DMT=Disciple Multiplication Training CPM=Church Planting Movement)

5 France – Proposed Kingdom Equation From 4,000 churches to 6,500 churches
DMT --> Vocational Leaders --> CPM DMT --> CPM (DMT=Disciple Multiplication Training CPM=Church Planting Movement)

6 Southeast Asia Changing the Trajectory
2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 1960 1977 1994 2010 2025

7 Southeast Asia Changing the Trajectory
2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 X 1960 1977 1994 2010 2025

8 What is our Father’s Heart?

9 What is our Father’s Heart?
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:15

10 What is our Father’s Heart?
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:15 Lit. “Keep on changing your whole way of thinking”

11 What is our Father’s Heart?
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:15 Lit. “Keep on changing your whole way of thinking” Lit. “Keep on believing / having faith in the good news”

12 What is our Father’s Heart?
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:15 Lit. “Keep on changing your whole way of thinking” Lit. “Keep on believing / having faith in the good news” Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:9-10

13 Ephesus as a Precedent: Acts 19-20

14 Ephesus as a Precedent: Acts 19-20
19:1-8 – ENTRY (find God-prepared people) and EVANGELISM

15 Ephesus as a Precedent: Acts 19-20
19:1-8 – ENTRY (find God-prepared people) and EVANGELISM 19:9-10 – DISCIPLESHIP & CHURCH PLANTING – multiplication of disciples and churches

16 Ephesus as a Precedent: Acts 19-20
19:1-8 – ENTRY (find God-prepared people) and EVANGELISM 19:9-10 – DISCIPLESHIP & CHURCH PLANTING – multiplication of disciples and churches From the base of the Hall of Tyrannus

17 Ephesus as a Precedent: Acts 19-20
19:1-8 – ENTRY (find God-prepared people) and EVANGELISM 19:9-10 – DISCIPLESHIP & CHURCH PLANTING – multiplication of disciples and churches From the base of the Hall of Tyrannus This continued for two years, so that all the residents of Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks. (Acts 19:10) YEARS MARK

18 Ephesus as a Precedent: Acts 19-20
19:1-8 – ENTRY (find God-prepared people) and EVANGELISM 19:9-10 – DISCIPLESHIP & CHURCH PLANTING – multiplication of disciples and churches From the base of the Hall of Tyrannus This continued for two years, so that all the residents of Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks. (Acts 19:10) YEARS MARK 20:17-38 – LEADERSHIP MULTIPLICATION

19 4 Phases of a Movement

20 4 Phases of a Movement

21 4 Phases of a Movement

22 4 Phases of a Movement

23 4 Phases of a Movement

24 4 Phases of a Movement

25 4 Phases of a Movement

26 4 Phases of a Movement

27 #1 Trait of Most Fruitful CPM Practitioners

28 #1 Trait of Most Fruitful CPM Practitioners
The ability to cast vision to same or near culture national partners and get them onto a CPM path through mutually accountable training/discipling relationships (frequent and long-term)

29 Healthy Church Planting Movements. . .

30 Healthy Church Planting Movements. . .
Multiply DISCIPLES (otherwise no net kingdom growth)

31 Healthy Church Planting Movements. . .
Multiply DISCIPLES (otherwise no net kingdom growth) Multiply CHURCHES (otherwise no lasting stability/health)

32 Healthy Church Planting Movements. . .
Multiply DISCIPLES (otherwise no net kingdom growth) Multiply CHURCHES (otherwise no lasting stability/health) Multiply LEADERS (otherwise no sustained momentum)

33 Healthy Church Planting Movements. . .
Multiply DISCIPLES (otherwise no net kingdom growth) Multiply CHURCHES (otherwise no lasting stability/health) Multiply LEADERS (otherwise no sustained momentum) Multiply MOVEMENTS (otherwise stop/start progress toward No Place Left/Matt. 24:14)

34 Healthy Church Planting Movements. . .
Multiply DISCIPLES (otherwise no net kingdom growth) Multiply CHURCHES (otherwise no lasting stability/health) Multiply LEADERS (otherwise no sustained momentum) Multiply MOVEMENTS (otherwise stop/start progress toward No Place Left/Matt. 24:14) We have to implement movement principles & practices here just as we want to there!

35 4 Stages to Matthew 24:14 UPG = Unreached People Group UUPG = Unengaged Unreached People Group

36 4 Stages to Matthew 24:14 UPG = Unreached People Group UUPG = Unengaged Unreached People Group

37 4 Stages to Matthew 24:14 UPG = Unreached People Group UUPG = Unengaged Unreached People Group

38 4 Stages to Matthew 24:14 UPG = Unreached People Group UUPG = Unengaged Unreached People Group

39 Kingdom movements start with continually changing our whole way of thinking and continually having faith in the good news. Mark 1:15

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