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Using Kinect for educational purposes

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1 Using Kinect for educational purposes
Spellotron Using Kinect for educational purposes Austin Keener Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rahman Tashakkori Department of Computer Science Appalachian State University

2 Goal of the Project
Create an interactive and fun environment to help children learn to spell Promote exercise in the classroom Start creative process to promote problem solving Introduces applications of computer science to children

3 Spellotron is a learning game
Players spell out the words on the screen by making poses that match the letters of the English alphabet used in the word Players are given visual clues on how to complete the word Score is given based on how quickly the player is able to spell the word

4 How Spellotron works
User selects difficulty level based on desired grade level A word is displayed on the screen for users to spell Individual letters are shown representing the current letter in the word Kinect tracks the player’s pose and determines the correlation of the pose to the current letter The game will display the highest correlated pose as the match to the letter Player learns the spelling of the words while performing physical activity

5 Modification for Color Blind
Originally the program indicated closeness of the pose of the player to the correct pose by changing colors in-between green and red. Proved to be problematic to Color blindness Added a bar that indicated correct pose to supplement correctness feedback

6 Technology behind the game
Kinect sensor to track player The sensor tracks the player through use of an infrared sensor Windows Presentation Foundation WPF is used as the main display system of the program. Implemented using C# C# was used for access to the Kinect SDK and ease of use. Also used for easy integration of other systems like WPF.

7 Program Examples Grade Level Select
Provides options for Pre-School through 8th grade spelling. Each grade level has it’s own library of words The text, buttons and pictures displayed in this window are arranged using an xml format understood by WPF. Each button has an event call when it is pressed, and is handled by the parent C# class.

8 Program Examples Game Play
The elements on the screen are arranged using WPF’s xml format The time is determined by using the computer’s current time with the one that is stored when the new word is displayed The visual stream from the Kinect is not handled by WPF’s xml file, but instead is drawn directly on to the window. The bar is used to show how close the player is to matching the pose. The bar also works much better than just color for color blind players.

9 Acknowledgements Dr. Rahman Tashakkori Jack Jordan Clint Guin
Appalachian State Department of Computer Science National Science Foundation (NSF)

10 Conclusion and Questions
Austin Keener Additional information and downloads are available at:

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