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Mrs O’Kelly – Hazel Mrs Richardson - Willow

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs O’Kelly – Hazel Mrs Richardson - Willow"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs O’Kelly – Hazel Mrs Richardson - Willow
Welcome to Year 2 Mrs O’Kelly – Hazel Mrs Richardson - Willow

2 Topics and Trips Autumn
Seaside – Seaside workshop – Monday 18th September Around the World – Pizza Express – 31st October/ 1st November Spring London – Fire of London workshop – Date TBC Rainforests - The Living Rainforest – Date TBC Summer Heroes - St Albans Fire Station - Date TBC Habitats – Affinity Water – Date TBC

3 Show and Tell Show and Tell will take place on a Friday afternoon and we will rotate which house is doing show and tell each week. The rota is on the classroom door.

4 PE We will have PE twice a week: - T-shirt - black shorts
- black plimsolls and/or trainers jogging bottoms and jumpers for winter Please make sure that EVERYTHING is labelled.

5 Reading Your child's book will be changed three times a week (Mon, Wed, Fri). Please sign your child's reading record - If this is not done then the books will not get changed. There is no expectation to read all of the books that you are given before the next change day. Especially as the books start getting longer. An adult in school will hear your child read every week. When your child becomes a free reader they will be able to choose a book during book change time or we are happy for them to read books from home. Please ensure that this is still written in the reading record.

6 Learning Logs Learning Logs will be given out at the beginning of each half term and will be linked to the class topic. The aim is that the learning logs should be led by your child's interests so please feel free to complete any topic related activities that they would like to do. We will give a list of suggested activities but these are not compulsory.

7 Spellings We will be giving spellings out weekly. They will be handed out and tested on a Friday afternoon. Number Bonds and Multiplication In Year 2 we continue the number bond cards from Year 1 eventually progressing on to times tables. Please continue to learn these at home. Your child will be tested at school.

8 End of Year 2 At the end of Year 2 the children will sit National End of KS1 Assessments. This is nothing to worry about. We will give you more information closer to the time.

9 Volunteers Thank you to everybody who is currently volunteering their time to help at school. If you would like to volunteer then it is always greatly appreciated. Please let your class rep know.

10 Any Questions

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