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Смышляев Степан Алексеевич

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Presentation on theme: "Смышляев Степан Алексеевич"— Presentation transcript:

1 Смышляев Степан Алексеевич
Тема проекта «Достопримечательности Лондона: Музей Мадам Тюссо» Выполнил студент 1 курса Специальность «Право и организация социального обеспечения» Преподаватель: Швачева Елена Борисовна

2 Contents 1. Introduction 2. A bit of history 3. These amazing sculptures 4. How is a Madame Tussauds wax figure made? 5. Useful information for tourists 6. Conclusion 7. Sources

3 Introduction Making a report in geography I became interested in the sights of London . Studying the literature I was interested in Madame Tussauds Museum most of all. And now I want to tell about the museum and how the wax figures are made.

4 A bit of history… The history of the wax Museum is quite interesting. The mother of Mary Tussauds (the founder of exposure) after her husband's death, worked as a housekeeper in a Mather house of wax - Philip Curtis. Little Mary was blessed to get to F. Curtis to learn, not only to create masterpieces, but also to conduct business. After the death of Maestro, figures became the property of his ward - Mary Tussauds.

5 With mobile collection of wax figures (which included their own masterpieces, and the wizard F. Curtis) Maria long time traveled throughout England. Only in 1835, at the insistence of his sons M. Tussauds opened a permanent exhibition.

6 Originally were exhibited about thirty figures that by the end of the three year period lost their realism. Despite the small number of exhibits, the exhibition was a resounding success. Particularly popular wax Cabinet of Horrors", in which there was a plausible picture of death and inhuman sufferings and shapes real murderers and other legendary criminals.

7 Only after the death of their mother (1850) sons invented the newest method of preparation of wax, which allowed the figures not only extend the “life", but also to enlarge the collection. In 1884, the Museum moved Mariamen road, where up to now, and is.

8 These amazing sculptures
Figures at Madame Tussauds presents not only historical personalities. There are exhibits that reflect changes in the world around us. In the Museum you can take a picture with wax figures of the legendary singers, politicians, musicians, comedians and scientists. It is noteworthy that on the entrance to the Museum is a portrait of Marie Tussauds, which has created it.

9 Another relatively new wax are: Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Hugh Jackman, in the likeness of Rossomaha, Barack Obama, Nicole Kidman, Chuck Liddell, George Bush, Kate Winslet, Tony Siragusa, Kareena Kapoor, Madonna, johnnie Depp.

10 In wax exposure tourists continue to draw lifelike legendary criminals and famous murderers.

11 How is a wax figure made? Art Studio is engaged in creation of wax masterpieces of more than 150 years. Over the execution of each exhibit works knit team of sculptors, consisting of twenty people. But in spite of skilled labour, a fairly large number of people, a masterpiece takes at least two to four months. Each hair on the sculpture is inserted one by one, and thanks to the numerous layers of paint is created natural skin tone. That is why wax sculpture for over a hundred years are famous for indistinguishable similarity with live originals.

12 1 Sitting Firstly, the sculptors very carefully take hundreds of accurate measurements of the subject with traditional calipers and measuring tapes, along with a library of reference shots depicting the selected person to vividly life events

13 2 Sculpting Each figure is perfectly sculpted in clay and this is used to create a mould from which the wax figure is created. A whopping 150kg of clay is used in the sculpting process

14 3. Moulding A ‘piece mould’ of the head is made using fine quality plaster to reproduce the surface of the clay, which is then cast into a beeswax and Japan wax mix. Because they are made up of many separate pieces, the head moulds will last a long time. We have plaster piece moulds which are 200 years old, and fresh wax casts can be taken from these originals many times.

15 4 Pouring Molten wax, coloured with a dye and heated to a temperature of 165° F. is poured into the mould. The wax is then left to cool for the time it takes for the wax to harden to a 5/8-inch thickness. The surplus liquid wax is then poured away, leaving the hollow wax cast.

16 5. Removing The Mould After further cooling for 1½ hours the pieces of the mould are carefully pulled away to reveal the wax head. At this stage the wax surface is interrupted by tiny ridges formed by the joints between each mould section. The sculptor carefully removes these seams. The head still retains wax eyes and these are melted away to make room for the acrylic eyes. The teeth, if showing, are treated in a similar way

17 6. Hair Insertion Expert hairstylists replicate our star's hair right down to the last one. Ethically sourced human hair is inserted strand by strand and then cut to style. It is an incredibly delicate and involved process - taking around 6 weeks to insert a full head of hair!

18 7. Colouring The figure is then coloured by a team of make-up artists. 20 different colours are used to recreate lifelike skin tones. 10 layers of oil paints are used to build up layers of colour on the face to give a translucency to the skin tones and a realistic texture and colour. Every freckle, mole, wrinkle and dimple is accurately reproduced!

19 8. The Finished Figure Overall, it takes four months of specialist sculpting, moulding and colouring to create a Madame Tussauds wax figure. Each figure costs approximately £150,000.

20 Useful information for tourists
Madame Tussauds is located on the street Mariamen road, Baker street underground station and Marylebone - suburban train. To reach the Museum by bus№ 274, 113, 82, 74, 30, 27, 18, 13 or 3. The Museum is open for visitors: Mon - Fri 10: 00-17:30, Sat - Sun: 09:30-17:30. Ticket office works till closing the exhibition. During festive days the exhibition is open until 18:00. It is worth noting that the price of the ticket after 17:00 may be reduced.

21 The cost of an adult ticket is 28. 80 Euro, child (under 16) - 24
The cost of an adult ticket is Euro, child (under 16) euros, children under 5 years - free of charge. There are also special family offer you purchase the tickets to visit the exhibition, - EUR 99. It is worth noting that on the official website of the Museum you can buy tickets at a 10%discount. For additional information you can apply to the Museum administrator on +44 (087)

22 Excursion to the Museum of wax figures is suitable for all ages
Excursion to the Museum of wax figures is suitable for all ages. However, children up to 8 years is not recommended to visit "the Cabinet of Horrors", as presented horrific exhibits supplemented grim game terribly disguised to live actors.

23 Conclusion Wax Museum Madame Tussauds is a unique and one of the most important sights of London. More than a thousand here exhibits are indistinguishable similarities from live originals, able to move and even talk. Most of the shapes is possible not only to feel but to be photographed with them. I would like to visit Madame Tussauds and see in real life. I hope soon I will go to London and visit the Museum

24 Источники информации 1. Иллюстрации [Электронный ресурс]: статья. - режим доступа: свободный. – Загл. с экрана. 2. Лондонские музеи [Электронный ресурс]: статья. - режим доступа: свободный. – Загл. с экрана. 3. Музей Мадам Тюссо [Электронный ресурс]: статья. - режим доступа: свободный. – Загл. с экрана. 4. How is a Madame Tussauds wax figure made? [Электронный ресурс]: статья. - режим доступа: свободный. – Загл. с экрана. 5. Madame Tussauds Washington, DC [Электронный ресурс]: статья. - режим доступа: свободный. – Загл. с экрана.

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