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Heat project By Ben and Mariana. heat project By Ben and Mariana.

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2 heat project By Ben and Mariana

3 What is heat? Heat is a form of energy that is transferred between two objects at different temperatures. Heat can transferred to different objects in different ways. We use a thermometer to measure heat. Heat is transferred in three different ways they are: conduction , convection, radiation. Heat transfers from hotter things to the colder things.

4 WHAT IS HEAT TRANSFER? Definition : Is the movement of energy from one object to another colder object because heat travels from a high temperature place to a low temperature place. Example : When putting a cool face washer on your face ,the warmth of your face leaves and transfers to the face washer so you feel colder because your heat leaves and goes to the face washer and when you loose your heat you fell cooler. Heat can be transferred from one object to another by three methods: conduction in solids, convection of fluids liquids or gases, and radiation through anything that will allow it to pass. The method used to transfer heat is usually the one that is the most efficient. r

5 WHAT IS conduction? Definition: The process by which heat or electricity is directly in touch with an object. Example: Someone that has warm hands and is holding a ice cube and it melts that is conduction.

6 What is convection? Definition: Convection is the way heat transfers through fluid gas or liquid. Example: Boiling water - The heat passes from the burner into the pot, heating the water at the bottom.

7 Radiation: Radiation :Energy as waves or as moving particles, especially high-energy particles. Basically it is Heat from anything else which is warmer than its surroundings. Example: Microwaves work by using very high levels of a certain type of radiation to heat foods. So if you put your food into a microwave that is simply radiation.

8 How does temperature mater when heat transfers?
Heat always travels from warmer things to cooler things Hot objects have heat energy.   There is no such thing as cold energy, so an object can only get colder by heat energy moving away from it.

9 What is the earth’s most important source of heat
The most important source of heat is the sun because it provides the natural power that fuels most important parts of the world. The second most important source of heat is the earths core which is made of iron and nickel

10 How we use a thermometer
When we measure heat we use a thermometer. The liquid in the thermometer is mercury. A thermometer is a cylinder tube with mercury that rises to the number on the thermometer. When the temperature is hot , the mercury goes up and when the temperature is cold it goes down. When the mercury rises that means the particles are moving fast therefore the temperature his hot because when particles move fast the temperature his hot. When the mercury lowers that means the partials are moving around slowly therefore it is cooler.

11 WHAT IS Heat insulation
Definition: to cover, line, or separate with a material that prevents or reduces the passage, transfer, or leakage of heat, electricity, or sound. Example: putting on snow gear traps the cold.

12 Thermal energy Thermal energy is the energy that is from heat.
This heat is generated by the movement of particles within a object. The faster these particles move the more heat is generated. The slower these particles move less heat energy is generated.

13 Bibliography burn/#.WVL6M5CGPIU What is Heat transfer and what are modes of heat transfer? {Hindi-Urdu } – YouTube energy-move

14 thanks Hope you learnt something about heat. There is MUCH more to discover about this topic. So starrt researching!!!!!!!!!!!

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