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 Heat is thermal energy flowing from warmer to cooler objects.  Thermal energy: total energy of particles in matter.  Heat Energy is produced by the.

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Presentation on theme: " Heat is thermal energy flowing from warmer to cooler objects.  Thermal energy: total energy of particles in matter.  Heat Energy is produced by the."— Presentation transcript:

1  Heat is thermal energy flowing from warmer to cooler objects.  Thermal energy: total energy of particles in matter.  Heat Energy is produced by the internal motion of particles of matter.  Matter is made of particles  The faster they move => object’s getting hotter.  The slower they move => object’s getting colder.

2  Definition: The resistance between two objects rubbed together. The more MOTION => More FRICTION => more HEAT Kinetic Energy: Energy of motion.

3  Definition: The measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules. Higher the temperature, the faster the molecules are moving. Lower the temperature, the slower the molecules are moving. Increased temperature = heat added Decreased temperature = heat removed.

4 THERMOMETER  Special liquid (alcohol or mercury) that expands when hot and contracts when cool. Moves up and down the tube to indicate temperature. THERMOSTAT  A device that controls room temperature. The thermometer was invented by Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1914. His scale: water FREEZE at 32° and BOIL at 212° In 1942 a new scale was developed by Anders Celsius. His scale: water FREEZE at 0° and BOIL at 100°

5 HEAT ENERGY CAN MOVE THROUGH MANY OBJECTS.  Conductor: An object through which heat moves easily.  Molecules are very close together. EXAMPLES Metal and Glass DEMONSTRATE IT!

6  Insulator: An object through which heat does not move easily.  Molecules are far apart. EXAMPLES Wool, fur, Styrofoam, wood DEMONSTRATE IT! The amount of thermal energy in an object is determined by… Mass Material made of Temperature

7 Definition: Movement of heat from warmer to cooler objects.  There are 3 Methods of Heat Transfer: 1. Conduction 2. Convection 3. Radiation

8  Conduction: Movement of heat through a solid object as a result of collisions between its molecules. Heat transfer by direct contact. Examples Roasting Stick in Flame Heat at one end transfers to the next molecules, & the next, & the next, etc. Until all the molecules are moving, so the entire stick is hot. Can you think of another example?

9 Movement of Heat Pan on burner Heat transfers from the burner, to the pan, and continues to the handle. Example #2 Conduction

10  Convection: Movement of heat through liquids or gases. HOT AIR ALWAYS RISES and COLD AIR ALWAYS FALLS Examples Convection Current in your home

11 Radiation: Movement of heat energy in the form of invisible infrared waves. Example: Sun heating the earth. Microwaves. Fireplace. Furnace

12 Chant:Chant: Teacher: Class there are 3 methods of Heat Transfer, they are: Students: Conduction, Convection, Radiation…Again! Conduction, Convection, Radiation… The End! Don’t forget the actions!

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