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Twa’Shonda Armstrong April 10, th block

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1 Twa’Shonda Armstrong April 10, 2013 4th block
“A HEALTHY PREGNANCY” Twa’Shonda Armstrong April 10, 2013 4th block

2 Early signs of pregnancy
Shortness of breath Sore breasts Fatigue Nausea Frequent urination Headaches Backaches Cramping Cravings or food aversions Constipation and bloating Mood swings Elevated basal body temperatures Super smell Dizziness or fainting Spotting Late period Positive pregnancy test

3 Benefits of exercising during pregnancy
Feel better relieve backaches and improve your posture by strengthening and toning muscles in your back, butt, and thighs reduce constipation by accelerating movement in your intestine prevent wear and tear on your joints (which become loosened during pregnancy due to normal hormonal changes) by activating the lubricating fluid in your joints help you sleep better by relieving the stress and anxiety that might make you restless at night Look better Prepare you and your body for birth Regain your pre-pregnancy body more quickly

4 Foods for pregnant women
Chicken Cereal Beans Peanuts and peanut butter Oranges Yogurt Carrots Strawberries

5 Health care providers A physician or other health care provider is a key partner in a healthy pregnancy. An obstetrician who specializes in pregnancy and delivery. A certified nurse-midwife care for women with low risk pregnancies and to deliver their babies.

6 Premature Labor and Birth
When the labor can’t be stopped and the baby is born before the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy. About one out of every 10 babies is premature. Premature babies have less time to develop in the uterus, which increases their risk of health problems. Babies born before the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy and weighing less than 2 pounds usually have the most serious health problems.

7 Ultrasound imaging A process that uses sound waves to create video and still images of fetus inside the uterus. A fetus is from the beginning of the ninth week until birth.

8 3 Trimesters During the first trimester- the first three months of pregnancy-an amazingly rapid sequence of prenatal development occurs. During the second trimester-the fourth, fifth, and sixth months of pregnancy-the fetus grows dramatically. During the third trimester-the seventh eighth, and ninth months of pregnancy-the brain and other parts of the nervous system continue to develop.

9 Miscarriage The spontaneous loss of the pregnancy after less than 20 weeks of fetal development. Miscarriage is not uncommon.

10 Exercising Exercise is beneficial before, during, and after pregnancy.
Pregnant women who are physically fit feel better and will have the strength they need for labor and delivery. Activities-walking, jogging, tennis racquetball, swimming, indoor stationary cycling

11 Exercising pictures

12 Weight gain Most health care providers advise a healthy woman of normal weight to gain between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy.

13 Rest Pregnant women need plenty of rest.
In addition to sleeping at least eight hours a night, pregnant women should plan rest periods during the day.

14 Food safety during pregnancy (avoiding foods)
Raw (unpasteurized) milk and foods made from raw milk. Soft cheeses unless they have labels that clearly state they have been made from pasteurized milk. Raw or partially cooked eggs and foods that contain them. Raw or uncooked meat, poultry, fish, or shellfish. Unpasteurized juices Raw vegetables sprouts Cold cuts, deli meats, and hot dogs, unless they have been reheated to steaming hot.

15 Healthy foods for pregnant women

16 Cite pages
Parenting rewards and responsibilities

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