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Picture Key.

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0 Junie B. Jones and some Sneaky Peeky Spying

1 Picture Key

loves to spy. In order to be good at spying you have to keep very quiet and look at people through a little hole. When visited last Friday she played her favorite game, spy.

3 hid in the dirty clothes hamper waiting for to get
out of the bathroom. When he came out of the bathroom he screamed very loudly because he was scared. He did not know was spying on him.

4 ran into the room with angry feet after hearing scream!
“That’s it! No more spying! This is the last time I’m telling you! Do you hear me missy? Do you?” replied and then drove back home.

5 CHAPTER 2: QUESTIONS and are best friends and sit together at school because they are in the same class. Their teachers name is and she is the nicest teacher they have ever had wants to be best friends with so badly!

6 told the class that grandparents day is coming up next Monday.
This means that everyones grandparents are allowed to come in and visit their classroom. asked all of her students whether they can bring cookies in on Monday for grandparents day. raised her hand and said was the best cookie baker in the world and they would bake over the weekend.

7 asked if she can bring the cookies to her house
so she can see where she lives but told her there is no reason for her to come to her house but to bring them to class on Monday now thinks that her teacher is a secret mystery guy.

and went to the grocery store to pick up cookie mix for grandparents day. While they were looking for cookie mix saw with her husband. didn’t want to think she was spying so she hid.

9 spied on while she was standing by the grapes in the
grocery store picked up a bunch of green grapes and pulled a few off the stem. She put the grapes in her mouth and ate them without paying for them. whispered to herself “Oh no” and ran back to but couldn’t tell her what she saw or else she would know she was spying!

10 CHAPTER 4: SQUEEZY LIPS When went back to school, she decided to not be tattle-tale because she did not want to go to jail for stealing the grapes found out that had a secret and told her if she kept it in, her head would explode.

11 ran to the nurses office because she did not want her head to explode.
She explained to the nurse, “I have a bad secret. It’s about Mrs. Only, I can’t tell anybody!” and the nurse walked down to the Principals office. The Principal asked her what her secret was and she told him all about it.

12 CHAPTER 5: SOUR GRAPES The principle calls down to his office in hopes of settling and her bad secret. As the principle explains to what is going on, she giggles to herself and asks if she can explain.

13 explains to both and the principle the reason she ate
the grapes. said she wanted to make sure they were not sour because the last time she bought them they were. She apologized and said “I should not have ate them because I did not pay for them.

14 smiled and told her she was still the nicest teacher in the world and
can’t wait to become bestest friends one day smiled and asked the principal if they could be excused from his office. He shook his head with a smile and they walked back to the classroom to attend Grandparent’s day. The class enjoyed spending time with their Grandparent’s while eating yummy cookies.

15 The End

16 Activity Time Each object listed below was presented in the novel at some point. There is a PICTURE of EACH item hidden throughout the classroom. In groups your job is to find each picture on the list. Once you have found each picture, go back to your seats and discuss with your group why each item listed was important to the novel. Hamper Cookies Principle Angry Feet Grocery Store Nurse Money Grapes Office Jail

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