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Introduction to Professional Development

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1 Introduction to Professional Development
Tech 190A Week 2 Lecture Introduction to Professional Development

2 Professional Development
By definition, professional development is a variety of training, education, or other professional learning intended to help technology professionals improve their professional knowledge, managerial competence, technical skills, and overall career effectiveness. There are four parts to the professional development section of this class. They include: Resumes and Cover Letters Soft Skills Improvement Personal Career Development Plan Professional Portfolio

3 Résumé Each student will develop a professional resume using any of the different formats recommended for this class. In addition, each student will develop a cover letter.

4 Tech 190A Résumé A résumé is a document used by a person to present their backgrounds and skills. Can be used for a variety of other reasons. Most often they are used to secure new employment. Contains a summary of relevant job experience and education. One of the first items a potential employer sees regarding the job seeker. Typically used to screen applicants Often followed by an interview.

5 Résumé Types Each student will develop a professional resume using any of the different formats listed below. Resume formats available at: templates. Students should select one of the following formats:  Engineering  Professional  Business  Entry-level  Computer and technology  Management  Contemporary  Standard 

6 Résumé Sections Your resume should have four main sections:
your personal and contact information your interest your qualifications your work experiences

7 Cover Letters Most resumes are accompanied by cover letters.
Is a letter of introduction attached to, or accompanying another document such as a résumé. May also serve as marketing devices for prospective job seekers typically divided into two categories: The application letter, which responds to a known job opening. The inquiry letter, which inquires about possible positions.

8 Soft Skills Improvement
Soft skills are sequenced in modules. Each module consists of three video presentations that address a group of different skill areas each. Guided class discussions take place at the end of each module. There is a 4-point activity work after each module.

9 Personal Career Development Plan
What do I want to be? Propose your career goal e.g. Vice President manufacturing, CEO xxx corporation, Director of engineering, general manager, director of operations etc. What do I need to get there? Find competencies that make up the career goal What do I have now? Determine which competencies you possess  What more do I need to get what I want? Determine competencies you don't yet possess  How can I get what I need to meet my need? Determine how to acquire competencies you don't yet possess 

10 Professional Portfolio
Your professional portfolio is a combination of some of the things you did already and some additional assignments all enclosed in a folder. When completed, this portfolio pretty much describes you as a complete professional. The contents of your portfolio will be inspected as scheduled in the greensheet. Inspection is worth 10 points which are part of the 20 points allotted to the professional portfolio.

11 Video Module 1: Introduction to Soft Skills
These are skills that are not necessarily taught in schools and colleges They are absolutely necessary in businesses They deal with workplace relationships They deal with verbal and written communications They are based on what business people said they lack in their businesses today They are written by business people for business people and industry Also for those reentering the workplace

12 Four Rules of Getting Back into the Job Market
Have an upbeat, can-do attitude Look the part Live in the present Promote your positive attributes

13 Video Module 2: Introduction to Power Listening
Poor listening skill can lead to a number of problems, including: Miscommunication Confused instruction Loss of information Embarrassment Frustration Hurt feelings Loss of job

14 Video Module 2: Introduction to Power Listening
85% of what we know is learned by listening 70% of communication is misunderstood or ignored Listening is not hearing We tend to listen and pay attention when the situation is critical Power listeners tend to: Make fewer mistakes Influence others Solve problems Communicate better Gain insight

15 Ten Key Points to Become a Power Listener
Listening demands concentration and commitment Make sure you can hear and see the speaker Remove all distractions Concentrate on what is being said Do not interrupt Ask questions if you do not understand Avoid filtering Do not rehearse what you are going to say Don’t try to top their story Verbally summarize what has been said

16 Video Module 5: Resume Writing
Three Different Forms of Resume are: Chronological Functional Combination

17 Six Rules to Resume Writing
Relevant and pertinent information Easy to read format No spelling, grammar or syntax problems Define the position(s) you desire Be satisfied with your resume Use keywords

18 Six Steps to Resume Writing
Gather your employment and education information Contact information Objective (specify job type) Your experience Education Use keywords

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