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Environment KS3 Unit 7c - Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Environment KS3 Unit 7c - Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environment KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

2 Q1. What is an animal that hunts other animals for food called?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

3 A1. Predator KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

4 Q2. What do you call an animal that is eaten by other animals?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

5 A2. Prey KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

6 Q3. What is formed from interconnected food chains?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

7 A3. Food web KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

8 Q4. What do you call an animal that only eats meat?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

9 A4. A Carnivore, carnivorous
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

10 Q5. What is is the name of an animal that only eats plants?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

11 A5. Herbivore KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

12 Q6. What do you call it when animals move from one place to another with changing seasons?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

13 A6. Migration KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

14 Q7. What do you call it when animals survive the Winter by sleeping?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

15 A7. Hibernation KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

16 Q8. When plants show no sign of growth during the Winter months what are they called?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

17 A8. Dormant KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

18 Q9. Plants are called this because they make their own food from light energy?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

19 A9. Producer KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

20 Q10. Animals are called this because they cannot make their own food?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

21 A10. Consumer KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

22 Q11. What is the process of changing to survive in a particular habitat called?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

23 A11. Adaptation KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

24 Q12. What is the name for an animals (like humans) that can eat plants and meat
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

25 A12. An Omnivore, omnivorous
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

26 Q13. What do we call the surroundings in which all animals and plants live?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

27 A13. Environment KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

28 Q14. What do we call the natural home of a particular plant or animal?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

29 A14. Habitat KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

30 Q15. What do we call animals that are active at night?
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

31 A15. Nocturnal KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

32 Well Done! Now check your score
KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

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