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What is Infinite Possibilities & who is Mike Dooley?

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2 What is Infinite Possibilities & who is Mike Dooley?
IP Training was created so that this life-changing, positive message could get out to as many people as possible This is a non-profit venture for Mike Dooley He is a best-selling author, speaker and author of “Notes to the Universe”

3 Why did you say “yes” to this workshop?

4 What are we here to do? Deliberately create the life you want
One with more joy, fun, peace, fulfillment, happiness – and less worry, fear, and stress Learn to create purposeful, meaningful change Realize that our thoughts, words, and actions are how our dreams come true Religion vs. Spirituality in this learning Be Happy Now!

5 How will we accomplish that?
Everyone is invited to participate, share, interrupt, ask questions! We will cover about 2 chapters each class + some homework In order to do this in a way that is constructive and wonderful for everyone, we need to be respectful of all (we are all equally magnificent) and “what happens here stays here!”

6 Thoughts Thoughts Become Things What you think about you bring about
Everything begins with thoughts – they affect your attitudes, which affects your decisions, words, and your actions This is not new – you are already using this principle!

7 Thoughts Imagine what your new thoughts can do for you?
Thoughts - the water experiment

8 Thoughts Notice your thoughts Negative thoughts
Worry is “praying for what you don’t want” Focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want

9 Thoughts Change your thoughts – Choose new thoughts to think
Now that you are becoming more aware of what you are thinking, you can work to change the thoughts that are NOT creating what you want! Flip your thoughts! This is where your power comes in – change your thoughts to change your life!

10 Wise words! “A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.” Gandhi “We are what we think. All that we are arises from our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.” -Buddha “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them to think. To find yourself, think for yourself.” -Socrates “Remember happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think.” -Dale Carnegie “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” -Henry Ford “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” -Marcus Aurelius “You create your own universe as you go along.” –Winston Churchill

11 Thoughts Use visualization every day!
Visualize details as if what you want to create has already happened See and feel your success & happiness Athletes and all kinds of successful people do it to create the results they want! It feels great! Just 5 minutes per day

12 Thoughts Use visualization every day! NOT like this:
SNL video YES to her method & energy: Jessica's daily affirmation

13 Beliefs Your beliefs shape your thoughts & therefore your life
Your beliefs hide behind your “opinions” about life We choose to accept our beliefs as “truths” Some are helpful, some are not! Sometimes we don’t even know we have certain beliefs Beliefs are so powerful – they affect how you think, speak & act in every situation – which creates your life experiences Beliefs are the filter through which you see your life

14 Life Experiences Beliefs Thoughts Life Experiences

15 Beliefs You can change your limiting beliefs
You don’t have to keep the beliefs you don’t like! 2 ways to change them: Notice things you frequently say / think to discover limiting beliefs – then reverse those words / thoughts Bulldoze & obliterate: you don’t know what the “limiting” belief is, but you think new thoughts & take new actions so that you create new experiences – which will then gradually change your beliefs How to install new beliefs: Choose a new belief that serves your life Reinforce the belief through your thoughts and words Listen to the words you use and be aware when you fall into old conversational patterns Act as if that belief is true every day, even if it feels weird

16 Have a great week! This is the best day of my life video

17 http://Bob Ross remix – belief

18 http://Mike Dooley interview
Rogers Andy Dooley visualization End of video is good about beliefs.

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