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2012 Navy Medicine Audit Readiness Training Symposium

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Navy Medicine Audit Readiness Training Symposium"— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Navy Medicine Audit Readiness Training Symposium
MEPRS Processing – PETRA and R2DQ RE-W-3-B

2 Context: MEPRS Reporting Procedures.
Purpose: To teach the audience how to leverage the PETRA/R2DQ process for EAS reporting and analysis. Outcome: Improve knowledge on the benefits these tools have to improve EAS data and assist in the managerial accounting decisions at the local level. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

3 MEPRS Processing – PETRA and R2DQ
Mr. Marshall Letter of 27 Jan 2012 formalizes MEPRS Processing. Pre-EAS Transmission approval via the PETRA. Post-EAS Transmission Financial Reconciliation via the R2DQ. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

4 MEPRS Processing – PETRA and R2DQ
Goals for the new process: - Comply w/TMA 45 day transmission deadline. - Reduction/elimination of reprocessing. - Reduced MEWACs outliers. - Improved DQ alignment in MEPRS/EAS data. - Reduce/eliminate DMHRSi mismatched JONs. - R2DQ Financial Reconciliation more timely submission and compliance. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

5 Transmission Compliance

6 Transmission Compliance Number of Days to Initial Transmission
Note the significant reduction in the average number of days to transmission in FY 12 with the new process FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

7 EAS Transmissions Average
Average Days to Transmission shows significant drop after implementation of new process and transmission timelines FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

8 Goal – Reduction of Reprocessing
Note the dramatic drop in reprocessing. The process ensures quality data is transmitted the first time, thereby freeing up more time To work on source system alignment, minimum workload, and other DQ issues in MEPRS/EAS reporting. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

9 Goal – Reduction of Reprocessing

10 MEWACS Outlier Unallocated Expenses

11 MEWACS Outliers Navy outliers trending downward after implementation of PETRA process. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

12 MEWACS OUTLIERS From MEWACS FY12 FM05 Executive Summary Army: 7 Sites
Navy: 3 Sites Air Force: 7 Sites From MEWACS FY12 FM05 Executive Summary FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

13 DQ Checks FY 11 and 12 2nd Quarter FY 12 BSO 18 DQ Checks
7 yellow flagged items, 3 explained by ERSAs (we don’t report inpatient ERSA workload) for a total of 4 DQ issues 2nd Quarter FY 11 BSO 18 DQ Checks 40 red and yellow flagged items NEW PROCESS RESULTED IN 90% REDUCTION OF BSO 18 MEPRS DATA QUALITY ISSUES FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

14 DMHRSi Mismatched JON June 2011
From $300 K to in June of 2011 to… FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

15 DMHRSi Mismatched JON April 19, 2012
$6 K in April of 2012 Discussion: How did the new process encourage this? FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

16 R2DQ Financial Reconciliation
Prior to new R2DQ, Financial Reconciliation could not be done until NAVMISSA loaded the data in the Fin Recon website (2-4 weeks after EAS transmission). With the new process, the SMART R2DQ file is available every day. EAS R2DQ can be run the day after EAS transmission. R2DQ can be run day after EAS Transmission and updated day after revised SMART DMHRSi file. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

17 R2DQ Financial Reconciliation
Allows for 100% military labor reconciliation. Next month’s PETRA is not approved until there is an approved R2DQ for the previous month. R2DQ is not approved with any military labor difference. This ensures that MEPRS data is correct and reconciled before the next month’s data is transmitted, avoiding retransmissions and un-reconciled military labor. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

18 R2DQ Financial Reconciliation
How can the PETRA show no difference in the financial DEAR and Pure, but the R2DQ show financial differences? What are some reasons why the military labor does not reconcile on the R2DQ? R2DQ can NOT have financial differences if the PETRA shows no difference, UNLESS: Something was changed after PETRA approval but before transmission (and no new PETRA was submitted), OR Source DEAR or Pure data was manipulated (i.e. lines were deleted) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

19 R2DQ Financial Reconciliation
R2DQ can NOT have financial differences if the PETRA shows no difference, UNLESS: Something was changed after PETRA approval but before transmission (and no new PETRA was submitted), OR Source DEAR or Pure financial data was manipulated (i.e. lines were deleted). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

20 Military Labor Reconciliation
Why might military labor not reconcile? Mismatched JONs Common occurrence in FY 12 – a military labor JON was removed from STARS. If a JON has been used in DMHRSi for ANY month in the FY, it must not be removed from STARS. Text file was manipulated/data changed AFTER NMSC DMHRSi team reviewed. File provided to DMHRSi SMART not the same file as DMHRSi file imported into EAS. Updated R2DQ SMART file was not retrieved and loaded to the R2DQ. Mismatched JONs – I frequently receive questions on military labor differences where the site/region has not checked for mismatched JONs Removing JONs from STARS – explain how this happens and impact People are editing the text file after it comes back from NMSC FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

21 Points of Contact Colleen Rees, Randy Van Nostrand, ext. 602 Kate Burchess, ext 104 Bonnie Rehbein, ext. 603 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY


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