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Presentation on theme: "MASS VALUATION in the REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA"— Presentation transcript:

Darko Crvenkovski, AREC November 2016

2 AREC Government institution Self-financed institution 916 employees
Regional organization Local offices – 30 cases 0.02% unsolved by the end of the 2016

3 Cadaster of real estate

4 E-Kat

5 E-Kat Lite XML PDF PAPER e-Kat Lite fully implemented
Over 900 users (notaries, geodetic companies, municipalities, executors, valuators) 65% of the cases come through the electronic cadaster Close cooperation with the Chambers of notaries, valuators and geodetic companies XML PDF PAPER Preparing contract Deliver paper documents Physical front desk receival Scanning Processing and Registering Preparing contract Deliver PDF digital signed Electronic delivery Processing and Registering На овој слајд илустративно е прикажан процесот на автоматзација на работните процеси. Прциот ред е традиционалниот начин на хартиено припоремање на документит и нивна физилка достава во катастарот. Вториот ред го претставува електронсиот шалтер, каде се подготвуваат пдф документи дигитално потпишани и електронски се доставуваат за постапување во агенцијата Третиот ред е иднината каде документите ќе бидат во XML формат и ќе се забрза целиот процес на регистрација на трансакциите. Preparing contract digitally signed Electronic delivery and processing Registering

6 Digitalization of cadaster maps
Scan cadaster plans Vectorised cadaster plans MacEdit Graphic base еКат Alphanumeric base еКат Graphic and alphanumeric base

7 NSDI Government geo portal

8 AREC One-Stop-Shop-Portal
Registration Searching/ Buying Search Metadata AREC (2015), OSSP

9 Registry of construction land

10 Cadaster of infrastructure objects

11 Annual property taxes - Current Status
In 1993 a Law was adopted where the property tax started to be charged In 1994 certain tax on all real estate in the country at the request of value by the owner of the property In 2005 decentralized system for annual property tax The municipalities in the country have an obligation to make a reassessment of all property on their territory in order to establish the market value of real estate for the particular taxation year

12 Registration of property
Seller Buyer Statement for additional information about the property Solemnization of agreement Notary office Registry of prices and leases Real estate cadaster AREC

13 VIP procedure for property registration
Appraisers - perform an assessment of the property and prepare an appraisal report, calculation of the value and advanced payment Notary - receives funds in a separate account by the parties so it can transfer it to the municipality account, prepares verification of validity (solemnization) contract and a clause for an advanced tax payment. AREC registers the property (all documents received by a notary shall be forward to the municipality to inspect the payment of the advanced tax, municipality issues tax decision)

14 Mass valuation in Macedonia
Adoption of a new law on REC, April 2013 WB Consultant – action plan Establishment of the Unit for Register of prices Adoption of a new law on REC, August 2014 Establishment of the Sector for mass valuation Experiences from Serbia and Slovenia

15 Stake holders National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia (EU directives: Basel I, Basel II)     - Calculation of price index, real estate     - Monitoring of commercial banks - credit risks mortgages Statistical Office (EUROSTAT directives) - calculation of price index, real estate Reports on real estate market - Commercial banks - Investors - Private appraisers - General public Municipalities

16 Scheme at the state level
Municipality 1 Municipality tax authority AREC Advisory board Municipality 2 Municipality…. Central valuation office Municipality 80 + city of Skopje Regional valuation office 29 + CREC

17 Forming a sector for mass valuation in AREC
Registry of prices and leases Valuation model department Real estate market research Department

18 Scope of work of the sector for mass valuation
DEPARTMENT FOR REGISTRY OF PRICES AND LEASES - Control of the data in the Registry and the data input by notaries and appraisals - Collecting data about transactions and additional data about properties - Records data for transactions on the web GIS portal of AREC - Field inspections DEPARTMENT FOR REAL ESTATE MARKET RESERCH - Preparing reports for other state institutions and private sector - Analysis for the trend of market and property prices - Collects additional social economic data for the system of mass valuation - Control of the data input in the system for mass valuation DEPARTMENT FOR VAULATION MODELS - Making models for mass valuation and testing - Making mass valuation of properties - Responds on appeals from owners of property - Value indexing of properties

19 Registry of prices and leases

20 Registry of prices and leases

21 Professional users

22 Transaction by type

23 Transactions by type of property

24 Transactions on month range

25 Future plans Matching data from REC with data of municipalities
Gathering additional data for properties field inspection Law for mass valuation Creating value zones Creating models for mass valuations Implementation of the system for mass valuation till the end of 2018



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