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Historical Understandings To play the game, go to the next slide and click on a point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final.

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Understandings To play the game, go to the next slide and click on a point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final."— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Understandings To play the game, go to the next slide and click on a point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final Wrap-Up at the bottom of the main screen.

2 ReligionPlacesJudaismConflictsVocabularyPeople

3 Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 Team 5 Wager board

4 What are the three major religious groups in Southwest Asia (Middle East)?

5 Christianity, Islam, Judaism score board

6 What are the two major Islamic groups of Muslims?

7 Sunni and Shia score board

8 What Islamic religious group includes the Kurds?

9 Sunni Muslim score board

10 What religion is associated with the Zionists?

11 Judaism scoreboard

12 From what religion did Christianity come?

13 Judaism score board

14 What is the current name of Persia?

15 Iran score board

16 In what city did Islam begin?

17 Mecca score board

18 What place, created from the Ottoman Empire, is a holy site for Jews, Muslims, and Christians?

19 Palestine score board

20 What country was created as a homeland for the Jews?

21 Israel score board

22 What city is referred to as the city of the prophet?

23 Medina score board

24 From whom do Arabs believe they are descended?

25 Ishmael score board

26 Who was the founder of Islam?

27 Muhammad score board

28 Who was the leader of Iraq when the United States declared war in 2003?

29 Saddam Hussein score board

30 Who was the founding figure of Christianity?

31 Jesus score board

32 What emperor made Christianity an approved religion in the Roman Empire?

33 Constantine score board

34 To what man does Judaism trace its origins?

35 Abraham score board

36 What was the name for the Hebrew God?

37 Yahweh score board

38 Who led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt?

39 Moses score board

40 Where did David establish a capital for the Hebrews?

41 Jerusalem score board

42 What was the name of the promised land for the Jews?

43 Canaan score board

44 Why did the United Nations try to stop Iraq from taking over Kuwait in 1990?

45 Iraq’s actions threatened the supply of oil. score board

46 Why did the United States bomb and invade Afghanistan in 2001?

47 They believed the Afghanistan government was offering safety to al- Qaeda. score board

48 Why did the United States go to war against Iraq in 2003?

49 The United States claimed Iraq was developing nuclear weapons and offering aid to groups like al-Qaeda. score board

50 In what war did the Holocaust occur?

51 World War II score board

52 What was the name for the military action against Iraq in 2003?

53 Operation Iraqi Freedom score board

54 What is the meaning of anti-semitism?

55 Opposition (or hatred) of the Jews score board

56 What is the term for someone who had to leave his home because of war?

57 Refugee score board

58 What was the name of the period when millions of Jews were killed in concentration camps?

59 Holocaust score board

60 What is a Muslim term for leader or ruler?

61 Caliph score board

62 What is the name for a religion that believes in one god?

63 Monotheistic score board

64 Make your wager on the scoreboard scoreFinal Question

65 What is the holy book for each of these religions—Islam, Christianity, Judaism?

66 Islam—Quran Christianity—Bible Judaism—Torah score board

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