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Weekly Quiz Current Events

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1 Weekly Quiz Current Events
March 27th 2017 06/03/17

2 1 The TranzAlpine rail line re-opened last week after being damaged by fire. The TranzAlpine rail line runs from…? a. Christchurch to Greymouth b. National Park to New Plymouth c. Dunedin to Queenstown

3 2 Which rugby team recently ended England’s winning run and prevented them from setting a new record for most consecutive test match wins? a. Wales b. Ireland c. South Africa

4 3 New Zealand’s richest man Graeme Hart, has been named the world’s 133rd richest man. Graeme Hart is worth…? a. NZ $862 million b. NZ $13.5 billion c. NZ $129 billion

5 4 In which NZ city is this annual event held?
a. Palmerston North b. Hamilton c. Rotorua

6 a. they are restricting the size of the sails the boats can use
5 Which change in the America’s Cup sailing protocol is likely to have a negative impact on Team New Zealand? a. they are restricting the size of the sails the boats can use b. they are not allowing “cycle powered” grinding to power the boat’s hydraulics c. they are now allowing teams to train against each other in Bermuda but Team New Zealand is stuck in Auckland

7 6 True or false, the FBI have released a statement saying that they have found evidence that Barack Obama ordered the wire-tapping of Donald Trump during the Presidential campaign?

8 7 Apple has announced a new colour will be introduced to their range of iPhones. The new colour is …? a. purple b. red c. orange

9 8 Which sporting event does this image relate to?
a. The Football World Cup b. The Commonwealth Games c. The Olympic Games

10 9 True or false, according to a new report New Zealand's greenhouse emissions are getting worse while emissions in the rest of the OECD (wealthy countries) are falling?

11 10 Which Hollywood movie star recently delivered their first lecture at the London School of Economics? a. Angelina Jolie b. Tom Cruise c. George Clooney

12 11 The Proteas have been playing test cricket against the Black Caps. From which country are the Proteas? a. Pakistan b. South Africa c. India

13 12 What is the name of the palace shown in the background?
a. Buckingham Palace b. The Palace of Oxford c. The Palace of Westminster

14 c. moths and caterpillars
13 What did a Whangaparoa family find in a packet of stuffing mix that they had bought for their roast chicken dinner? a. dehydrated mouse b. a plaster c. moths and caterpillars

15 14 The Ukraine is holding this year’s Eurovision song contest. Which country’s contestant has been banned from attending the show because of tensions between the two countries? a. United Kingdom b. Italy c. Russia 

16 What have the UK and US banned from some airline flights?
15 What have the UK and US banned from some airline flights? a. mobile phones b. tablets & laptops c. hoodies

17 Which country has this flag?
16 Which country has this flag?

18 17 Why did over 26 families withdraw their children from an Auckland primary school last week? a. the school is being sanded for painting and the current paint contains lead b. asbestos contaminated soil is being removed from the school c. a liquor outlet has opened up directly opposite the school

19 In which country is the language of Mandarin mainly spoken?
18 In which country is the language of Mandarin mainly spoken?

20 According to the United Nations, the happiest country on earth is …?
19 According to the United Nations, the happiest country on earth is …? a. Denmark b. New Zealand c. Norway 

21 20 A famous visitor (on right) popped in to NZ and took a tour with Auckland Mayor, Phil Goff. Who is the person on the right? a. a famous billionaire b. a famous musician c. a famous actor

22 Answers

23 1 The TranzAlpine rail line re-opened last week after being damaged by fire. The TranzAlpine rail line runs from…? a. Christchurch to Greymouth b. National Park to New Plymouth c. Dunedin to Queenstown a. Christchurch to Greymouth - The line was badly damaged by a fire during Waitangi weekend. The TranzAlpine service, which is popular with tourists, adds in excess of $15 million to the West Coast economy a year. Click here to see the 90 sec extended clip for the beautiful TranzAlpine train journey

24 2 Which rugby team recently ended England’s winning run and prevented them from setting a new record for most consecutive test match wins? a. Wales b. Ireland c. South Africa b. Ireland - Just as they did to the All Blacks in Chicago, Ireland has again stopped a world record streak. Ireland defeated England 13-9 in a bruising Six Nations match to deny the English rare consecutive Grand Slams and a record 19th straight test rugby win on Saturday.

25 3 New Zealand’s richest man Graeme Hart, has been named the world’s 133rd richest man. Graeme Hart is worth…? a. NZ $862 million b. NZ $13.5 billion c. NZ $129 billion b. NZ $13.5 billion - Graeme Hart again made Forbes magazine's list of the world’s richest people, and is up 45 places on last year to #133. Bill Gates topped the list again with $US86b, with Warren Buffett coming in second place with $US75.6b.

26 4 In which NZ city is this annual event held?
a. Palmerston North b. Hamilton c. Rotorua b. Hamilton - The Balloons Over Waikato events attracts large crowds from around the upper North Island. Especially during the NightGlow event in the evening, when the balloons are light up at twilight.

27 5 Which change in the America’s Cup sailing protocol is likely to have a negative impact on Team New Zealand? a. they are restricting the size of the sails the boats can use b. they are not allowing “cycle powered” grinding to power the boat’s hydraulics c. they are now allowing teams to train against each other in Bermuda but Team New Zealand is stuck in Auckland c. they are now allowing teams to train against each other in Bermuda but Team New Zealand is stuck in Auckland - Team New Zealand’s rivals have used their majority vote to now allow teams to have 23 days of training against each other in their official Cup catamarans in Bermuda in the leadup to the first official races that start on May 27. Team New Zealand will be restricted in their involvement in this practice racing because of the Kiwi syndicate's schedule.

28 6 True or false, the FBI have released a statement saying that they have found evidence that Barack Obama ordered the wire-tapping of Donald Trump during the Presidential campaign? False - the FBI have said that despite Donald Trump’s claims, they have no evidence of any deliberate wire-tapping carried out by Obama or his administration during the campaign.

29 7 Apple has announced a new colour will be introduced to their range of iPhones. The new colour is …? a. purple b. red c. orange b. red - As well as introducing red iPhones, Apple is also cutting prices on two iPad models. The ‘Red’ product range raises money for research into HIV and AIDS.

30 8 Which sporting event does this image relate to?
a. The Football World Cup b. The Commonwealth Games c. The Olympic Games b. The Commonwealth Games - The Queen’s Baton Relay has officially been launched with a ceremony and concert in front of Buckingham Palace before the torch heads off on a 388-day, 230,000km journey to the Gold Coast carrying a special message from the Queen.

31 9 True or false, according to a new report New Zealand's greenhouse emissions are getting worse while emissions in the rest of the OECD (wealthy countries) are falling? True - The latest Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) environmental performance review has found emissions from New Zealand increased 6 per cent from to 2014, while falling 5 per cent across the 35 OECD member countries. About 49 per cent of New Zealand's greenhouse gases are coming from agriculture. Kiwis also had the highest rate of car ownership in the OECD.

32 10 Which Hollywood movie star recently delivered their first lecture at the London School of Economics? a. Angelina Jolie b. Tom Cruise c. George Clooney a. Angelina Jolie - The actor and director spoke to students taking the postgraduate course Women, Peace and Security. The university said she talked about her experience and what motivated her work as UN special envoy. She was praised by students after the lecture.

33 11 The Proteas have been playing test cricket against the Black Caps. From which country are the Proteas? a. Pakistan b. South Africa c. India b. South Africa - The Proteas edged out New Zealand in the T20 and One-Day series, and look to have the edge in the test series as well. However, New Zealand has been competitive and won matches against the powerful cricketing nation.

34 12 What is the name of the palace shown in the background?
a. Buckingham Palace b. The Palace of Oxford c. The Palace of Westminster c. The Palace of Westminster - the palace serves as Britain’s parliament. It went into lockdown last week, after an attack was occurred nearby.

35 13 What did a Whangaparoa family find in a packet of stuffing mix that they had bought for their roast chicken dinner? a. dehydrated mouse b. a plaster c. moths and caterpillars c. moths and caterpillars - The Paxo stuffing mix was bought online through Union Jacks in October and contained the Indian meal moth and its caterpillars. It's estimated we all eat about 500 grams of insect meat a year, without even realising.

36 14 The Ukraine is holding this year’s Eurovision song contest. Which country’s contestant has been banned from attending the show because of tensions between the two countries? a. United Kingdom b. Italy c. Russia  c. Russia - Julia Samoilova has been banned from Ukraine, hosting this year's contest, for entering annexed Crimea via Russia. It is likely that she will have to perform via satellite link

37 15 What have the UK and US banned from some airline flights? a. cellphones b. tablets & laptops c. hoodies b. tablets & laptops - The US and UK are banning laptops from cabin baggage on flights from certain countries in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as Turkey. The ban on electronic devices larger than a smartphone is being imposed as an anti- terrorist precaution.

38 Which country has this flag?
16 Which country has this flag? Norway

39 17 Why did over 26 families withdraw their children from an Auckland primary school last week? a. the school is being sanded for painting and the current paint contains lead b. asbestos contaminated soil is being removed from the school c. a liquor outlet has opened up directly opposite the school b. asbestos contaminated soil is being removed from the school - The removal of 700 tonnes of asbestos-contaminated soil from the site next to the school has been halted despite the school’s assurance that the work could be carried out safely. Asbestos was once commonly used in the construction industry but the fibres can be extremely dangerous when disturbed.

40 In which country is the language of Mandarin mainly spoken?
18 In which country is the language of Mandarin mainly spoken? China

41 19 According to the United Nations, the happiest country on earth is …? a. Denmark b. New Zealand c. Norway  c. Norway - The World Happiness Report measures how happy the people are, and why. Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and and Finland round out the top five. New Zealand was placed 8th and Australia came in 9th position.

42 20 A famous visitor (on right) popped in to NZ and took a tour with Auckland Mayor, Phil Goff. Who is the person on the right? a. a famous billionaire b. a famous musician c. a famous actor a. a famous billionaire - UK businessman, Sir Richard Branson, helped plant one of the million trees mayor Phil Goff has promised over the next three years. Branson came here for a fundraising dinner where he was quizzed by former Prime Minister John Key.

43 The End Click here to see the 90 sec extended clip for the beautiful TranzAlpine train journey

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