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Nazi Germany.

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1 Nazi Germany

2 Fascist Ideology Fascism – authoritarian system of government that includes extreme militarism and nationalism, elite rule, a close relationship between private corporations and the state and totalitarian control over society Fascism rejects both liberal democracy and communism/socialism Fascism originates from the ideas of Mussolini, leader of Italy ( )

3 Irrational philosophy that emphasizes inequality of the human race and the superiority of one nation over others As opposed to Communism which is logical and based on equality Social Darwinism – some individuals or groups are “more fit” than others to achieve power and survive, used to justify racism and extreme nationalism

4 How Fascism Works: Relies on myths, emotions, hate Manipulates people because they are irrational Promotion of a fierce national loyalty (ultra-nationalism) and leader worship Individualism is secondary to the goals of the state Racism is emphasized and encouraged War and violence are glorified as the way to achieve greatness Private ownership/business is NOT abolished as under communism, but there is state direction/manipulation/control of the economy Appeal of fascism: - philosophy of action, leader is usually charismatic, promise of glory/greatness Fascist movements tend to emerge in societies in crisis, with either political or economic instability

5 Rise of the Nazis Treaty of Versailles:
Ended WWI signed between the allies and Germany War Guilt Clause – Germany forced to accept sole responsibility for the war, responsible for all damages (reparation payments = $33 billion) Lost territory to other European countries Restrictions on German army and navy Germans were totally opposed to the terms of the treaty but had no choice but to sign it. German was left weak but unbroken—its industrial and military power was only temporarily contained and its nationalistic fervour was only fuelled by the unjust treaty.

6 Throughout the Weimar Republic period, the political climate in Germany was unstable.
The people sought a scapegoat on which to blame Germany’s loss in WWI in addition to their grievances with Versailles. Hyperinflation (1923) – caused in part by money from new American loans flooding the German economy, also the lack of German foreign trade with other nations

7 Notes in circulation increased from 29
Notes in circulation increased from 29.2 billion marks in November 1918 to 497 quintillion (497 plus 18 zeroes) five years later. A German bank note from Dec Previous value of 1000 marks has been stamped over to read 1,000,000,000 marks.


9 Hitler named Chancellor by Hindenburg in 1933.
Hitler’s personality made him a natural leader with an ability to appeal to the discontented masses Excellent speaker, master at manipulating people, appealed to the emotional/irrational side of human nature, used rallies to create a “mob mentality” Hitler promised simple solutions to the many problems facing German society. Hitler named Chancellor by Hindenburg in 1933. Enabling Act – March 1933 – Hitler uses the Reichstag fire to get other parties to agree to pass this act enabling him to rule by decree. He immediately begins to eliminate his opposition and concentrate power in the hands of the Nazi party. Gestapo – Hitler’s secret police, would become the official police force of Germany after 1933.

10 The Reichstag fire

11 Night of the Long Knives (June 30, 1934)
Hitler purges the SA and other Nazis deemed too socialist or threatening to keep around. From this point on the SS becomes Hitler’s most trusted group of henchmen. Nuremberg Laws (1935) strips Jews of civil and social rights, forced to live in ghettos, forbidden to own property and hold gov’t jobs Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) Nov. 9/10, 1938 the SA, SS, and Gestapo riot against the Jews, burning synagogues, beating Jews to death in the streets, 30,000 Jews captured and sent to concentration camps. Jews forced to pay for damages

12 Jews captured during Kristallnacht are lined up for roll call at Buchenwald concentration camp
Example of damage during Kristallnacht

13 1938 Interior of Berlin synagogue after Kristallnacht


15 Nazi Ideology & Policies
Lebensraum – “living space” – Hitler wanted to expand Germany to create a massive country where the master race would have room to flourish. In order to maintain the “purity” of the German race, local populations from newly acquired territories would need to be removed and “undesirables” would be dealt with as well. The Third Reich was meant to last 1,000 years and rule over the entire continent. Other nations would be conquered and would exist only to serve the interests of Germany. Hitler planned for expansion to occur via diplomatic means where possible and warfare where necessary but aimed to make this a short conflict.

16 Hitler revived Germany’s economy by shifting it into “wartime” mode during peacetime. Massive numbers of new jobs were created rearming the country. There was a close relationship/partnership between wealthy businessmen/corporations and the Nazi party. The state directed the economic direciton of the country even though private ownership continued to exist. The Nazis also banned unions and limited worker’s rights. Massive public works projects (Autobahn highways, Volkswagen) This recovery, as well as the rebuilding of the armed forces helped to restore national pride and only increased Hitler’s support.


18 Propaganda was used extensively to create hatred against the Jews and other “enemies,” also to prepare citizens for the war to come. Goebbels  propaganda minister Indoctrination took place in schools and through groups such as the Hitler Youth which trained young people in how to fulfill their roles as part of the “master race”

19 The Führer Like Mussolini, Hitler created a cult-like atmosphere around his own personality  many citizens worshipped him as a “superman” who could do no wrong. Hitler adopted the title of “Führer” = leader.


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